Introduction: Submersable 2017
Submersable 2017
Step 1: Get the Materials
-11 ft and .5 inches of pipe (Orange)
-1 pipe cutter (Pink)
-1 measuring tape (Yellow)
-9 1/2 in. Schedule 40 PVC 90-Degree Elbows (Light Rose)
-7 1/2 in. Schedule 40 PVC Tee (Sea Foam Green)
-1 1/2 in. PVC Sch. 40 Socket Cap socket cap (Blue)
-8-12 zip ties (Lime Green)
Step 2: Take the Pipe and Cut
-4 inch (13)
-10 inch (3)
-2 inch (2)
-16 inch (1)
Step 3: Step 3
After you are done with all the cuts connect 2 4 inch pvc pieces together using a Tee connector so that they make a straight line.
Step 4: Step 4
Add two elbow connectors to the ends of the 4 inch pieces you just added with both facing the same direction.
Step 5: Step 5
Connect a 10 inch pvc pipe onto each of the elbows at the end of the 4 inch pipes.
Step 6: Step 6
Connect Tee connectors at the end of the 10 inch pipes with the pipe going into one of the sides so that a sideways L is left over.
Step 7: Step 7
Connect 4 inch pieces at both of the openings of the Tee connectors.
Step 8: Step 8
There should be two 4 inch pieces that should almost be touching in the middle, put a socket cap on the open parts of the pipe.
Step 9: Step 9
Add Tee connectors to the 4 inch pvc pieces on the end.
Step 10: Step 10
Connect two 4 inch pvc pieces to both the left and right of the tees. Make them extend straight-forward, to make it look more like a rectangular shape.
Step 11: Step 11
Add an elbow at the end of each of the 4 inch pieces. This will be the start to enclosing the rectangular shape.
Step 12: Step 12
Connect a 10 inch pvc pipe to the 2 of the elbow pieces at the left and right. This should enclose the rectangular shape, and there should be an obvious rectangle.
Step 13: Step 13
Take out a 16 inch piece from one of the pipes available. This can be done by measuring one side of a PVC pipe to another.
Step 14: Step 14
Connect a tee connector to one side of the 16 inch piece
Step 15: Step 15
On the two open sides of the tee connector attach 4 inch pieces
Step 16: Step 16
Connect an elbow piece to all open sides of the structure
Step 17: Step 17
On all open sides of the elbow pieces Connect a 4 inch piece
Step 18: Step 18
Connect this structure to the base using the open tee connectors
Step 19: Step 19
Take out a 6 inch piece and connect a elbow to it
Step 20: Step 20
Add a 2 inch piece at the open end of the elbow connector.
Step 21: Step 21
Add another elbow to the end of the two inches of pipe
Step 22: Step 22
Add a 1 inch piece of PVC pipe onto the opening of the elbow and then add a socket cap onto the 1 inch piece.
Step 23: Step 23
Connect to the middle tee connector using the 6 inch piece.
Step 24: Attaching the Motors
The motors are located on the top bar and back two bars as shown in the pictures above.
Step 25:
Connect one motor facing down in the right middle of the top bar on the sub.
Step 26:
To do that take a zip tie and tie it across the motor and around the bar.
Step 27:
take another zip tie and attach it to the motor and bar the opposite way than how you did it before.
Step 28:
This should make an x like in the picture above.
Step 29:
Repeat with other motors locations and examples shown above.
Step 30:
Tape the motors with electrical tape onto the PVC pipes for extra protection.
Step 31: HOW TO MAKE: Motors
Step 32: Materials List
- DC motor (x4)
- Soldering iron (x1)
- Solder wire
- Wax
- Old Film Canisters (x4)
- Wires (x4)
- Propellers (x4)
- Wipes
- Super glue
Step 33:
First take the DC motor and notice the red dot by one of the prongs on the top of the motor.
Step 34:
Plug up the soldering iron to let it heat up
Step 35:
Next take one of the wires and a wire stripper
Step 36:
Put the wire in gauge 22 about 1 inch into the wire.
Step 37:
Nick the wire just so it goes through the outer coating, so you can pull it off with your nails or fingers.
Step 38:
On the other end of the wire measure 1/2 inch
Step 39:
At the 1/2 inch mark use the 22 gauge on the wire strippers and nick the wire.
Step 40:
Pull the piece off with your fingers or nails like you did with the last one.
Step 41:
It should look like the picture above.
Step 42:
There should be a red and black wire coming out of each of the ends.
Step 43:
measure 1 cm into each red and black wire.
Step 44:
Take the wire strippers and at the 22 gauge nick all the red and blank wires at the place you measured to.
Step 45:
Pull of the end covering you just nicked with your nails or fingers.
Step 46:
You should be able to see the actual metal wires sticking out now like the picture above..
Step 47:
Repeat the last 12 steps with the other 3 wires.
Step 48:
Then take the DC motor and look at the side with the prongs.
Step 49:
Notice the red dot.
Step 50:
First we will be using the shorter side of the wire that you cut to 1/2 inch, more specifically the red wire only.
Step 51:
Take the red wire and stick only the metal wire part through the hole on the prong by the red dot.
Step 52:
once the metal part is through the hole, bend it up like in the picture above.
Step 53:
Now take the black wire and repeat the last three steps except with the other prong.
Step 54:
Now that the soldering iron is heated up pick it up by the handle.
Step 55:
Press the metal tip of the soldering iron against where the wire and the hole of the prong meet to heat the wire up. (It does not matter which hole will will be doing both.)
Step 56:
Hold it there for at least 30 seconds or more for it to heat up the wire.
Step 57:
Continue to hold it there but take the soldering wire and press the tip of the wire against where the tip of the iron and the wire by the prong meet.
Step 58:
If smoke starts coming up and the wire by the prong starts getting coated in silver that means it is working. (If not take the soldering wire off and wait 30 seconds more with the soldering iron on it.)
Step 59:
Coat it in just enough so that it is all around the wire connected to the prong. (Like in the picture.)
Step 60:
If the wire is coated in a dull grey color do it again because it is a cold joint and will break or not work. If it is coated in a shiny metal like grey it is perfect.
Step 61:
Repeat the last six steps with the other prong
Step 62:
Repeat the last 14 steps with the other 3 motors.
Step 63:
Unplug soldering iron we are done with it.
Step 64:
Get the wax and open all four of the old film canisters.
Step 65:
Take the wax and make 32 marble sized balls.
Step 66:
Put three of the marble sized wax balls into one of the opened film canisters.
Step 67:
Repeat with all of the canisters.
Step 68:
Put the DC motor inside the film canister with the prong side up and the side with the stick going into the canister.
Step 69:
Push the tiny metal stick through the hole in the bottom of the film canister.
Step 70:
Repeat the last two steps with the other motors remaining.
Step 71:
There should be 20 wax balls left shove 5 in each canister on top of the motors. Make sure you can not see the wires hanging out if if you can add more wax.
Step 72:
String the lids from the film canisters on to the wires connected to the DC motors and canisters. Then pop them on. Like the photo above.
Step 73:
Take the wipes and wipe any access wax off all of the motors.
Step 74:
Grab a propellers and put some super glue in one of them. The glue will go into the hallow stick connected to the propeller.
Step 75:
Connect DC motor stick into the hallow propeller stick. (Do not push it all the way to the canister so it doesn't glue to the plastic push it almost there.)
Step 76:
Repeat the last to steps with the other motors.
Step 77:
You are done with your motors!!!
You will need
4 switches
3 pieces of wire
Wire cutters
Soldering iron
And solder
Step 79:
First you will want to cut of the casing around all the wires make sure that you don't cut all the way through because you don't want to cut the wires that are underneath.
Step 80:
Next you will want to stripe the individual wires make sure you use the right size wire cutters because you don't want to break the wire.
Step 81:
You will then want to untwist the wire.
Step 82:
Once you have that done you will want to take the wire at the area you striped and bind it into a hook.
Step 83:
You will then want to put the hook into the hole. You will want to put all the solid wire in one row and the striped ones in the other row. Also make sure the same color solid is bay the same color stripe. And make sure you keep the same pattern for all your switches.
Step 84:
After you have finished all the hooks you will want solder all the wires to the switches. ( If you don't know how to solder got check out the steps in the motor section.)
Step 85:
When you have all the soldering done you will the you will then want to take a thin piece of wood and drill three holes into it. You will want the hole to be the same size of your switch.
Step 86:
After that you will want to put the switches into the the hole's.
Step 87:
Then you will want to cut off the end casing around the wires like we did in step 71. Also do the same things you did in steps 79- 81.
Step 88:
Now you will want to take the opposite corners a twist them to gather. Example would be take the blue solid wire and twist it with the green solid wire. And you will do this for all the switches.
Step 89:
The wires that are in the middle hooks of the switch will be hooked to your power source, so don't do anything with them.
Step 90:
You will take all the wires on the switches you just twisted and the long wire that is connected to your motors.
Step 91:
You will then take on set of the twisted wires on a switch and one individual wire from the motor wire (except the same color that you will be using for your power source.) and solder them together. You will repeat this step until it is done for all the switches.
Step 92:
Then you will want to wrap them all up in electrical tape so your solder doesn't touch each other.
Step 93:
You will the take the color you left for your power source and twist all the solids together and all the stripes together.
Step 94:
Then you will solder the stripes to one part of the power supply and soldier them together. Then solder the solids to the other part. and wrap both the parts again so they are not touching.
Step 95:
You are done with your switches!!!