Introduction: Subscription Card Artwork
Turn ordinary magazine subscription postcards into simple, yet fun artwork, inspired by Mark Montano's project found in "The Big Ass Book of Crafts".
Step 1: Materials
To do this subscription card artwork project, my way, you will need...
- subscription postcards from magazines
- paints in dark colors, like black, green, blue, red, or grey
- blue painter's tape
- 1" wide flat brush or sponge brush
- several old magazines
- X-acto knife or scissors
- spray adhesive
- Mod Podge
- simple picture frames (not shown but optional)
Step 2: Prepare and Paint Subscription Card
First, tape off 1/4" of border with blue painter's tape. Then, add a layer of a dark colored paint; here I'm using blue. Let dry completely before removing the tape.
Step 3: Add an Image
Cut out an image from an old magazine and use spray adhesive to attach it to the front of your painted card. Let dry completely.
Step 4: Complete!
Now, you can hang these up on your bulletin board or put in a few picture frames!