Introduction: Sugru Enhance Kettle Handle

About: A geek traveling the world!
I don't have an oven-mitt to pick up my kettle after the water is boiled, so I thought I would try to insulate the handle with Sugru and see how it turns out.  Its gotta be better than the goofy knitted coaster I was previously using!

Step 1: Sugru Enhance Kettle Handle

First step was to simply decide what colour to use.  Given that I had a nice range available to me I decided to go with a nice bright yellow for this.  Having learned how to smooth out the Sugru using inside of the package it came in (since it didn't stick to it really), this looked pretty reasonable but definitely not perfect :)

Step 2: Sugru Enhance Kettle Handle

Hmm, that lid might be troublesome as well at some point.  Well, I just happen to have some red Sugru left over, so on it went!

Sure, it looks like one of the toys your might find in a kindergarden but at least it works!  The next morning I boiled some water and was able to bear the heat of the handle now.  The heat still edges into the 'uncomfortable' zone and I wouldn't want to hold the boiled kettle for too long but at least I can now pour the water into cups without using that goofy knitted coaster any more.

Thanks to Instructables and Sugru for this opportunity!

Step 3: Sugru Enhance Kettle Handle: Bonus Slide

The Goofy knitted coaster!