Introduction: Sugru Mustache
For those times when you need a disguise or are dressing up for a dinner party, you can use Sugru to make an elegant mustache. Get a piece of Sugru (1 teaspoon in size is about right for a small mustache) and roll it out like a snake. Use your fingers to mold it into the general mustache shape you desire. A straight edge, like a ruler, can be used to finalize the mustache by gently rubbing it along the surface to smooth it. Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles!
Tip: when working with sugru, use kleenex to clean your hands
[This instructable was created by members of MakeICT, a makerspace in Wichita, Kansas.]
Tip: when working with sugru, use kleenex to clean your hands
[This instructable was created by members of MakeICT, a makerspace in Wichita, Kansas.]