Introduction: Super Capacitor Bank on a Breadboard

Okay, so this is my first instructable. I have tried to test everything before uploading this, but please let me know if it doesn't work.

I would like to thank a friend of mine, who gave me a lot of the knowledge I have on capacitors and electronics in general, and all the sites out there with lots of great projects.

Capacitors have always been interesting to me. They can store large amounts of energy in a small space, and can charge and discharge instantly. I decided to try some super capacitors, and they worked so well that I decided to share my circuit to all those interested in this exciting field of electronics.

Step 1: Step 1- Parts

The parts for this project were chosen mostly for cost-effectiveness. You could have the bank output for longer by using more capacitance, but I wanted to make this project cheap enough that it can be done by anyone. The total cost was about eight dollars, but you could likely do better getting everything on Ebay. Parts List:

1X Breadboard, full length

1X 9 volt battery and attachment cable

6X 10 Farad capacitors, 2.7 v

1X 10-30 ohm resistor(5 watt minimum)

2X 330 ohm resistors

1X 5mm Red LED

1X 5mm Green LED

1X 7805 5v regulator IC

1X 1N4002 1 amp diode or equivalent

(Assorted) Jumper wires

2X Alligator clips

Step 2: Step 2: Adding Voltage and Current Regulation

In this step you will add the circuitry to protect your capacitors from power overload. Since capacitors will pull however much current they want to charge, we will add a resistor to keep from burning out the 5 volt regulator. This resistor must be a high-wattage type, because I calculated that as much as 5 watts could flow through it.

The circuit is shown above.

Connect pin 1 of the 7805 to the positive terminal of your battery. Then, attach pin 2 to Ground, and connect pin 3 to the 5 volt row of the breadboard. From there, add the diode from the positive row to a empty row. Connect the '-' terminal to the other half of the breadboard.

Step 3: Step 3: Adding Indicator LEDs

To add a charging light, connect the positive of the green LED to the + on the breadboard. Attach the negative through a 330 ohm resistor to ground. Next, connect the positive of the red LED to the protected area on the other side of the diode. This will come on slowly as the capacitors charge, and will be on all the way when they're done charging. Attach the negative to ground through another 330 ohm resistor. If you want, this LED can be omitted and you can just use whatever your output is.

Step 4: Step 4: Adding Capacitors

Now we're ready to add the last parts. Put the capacitors in, three to each side as shown. Be sure to get the right polarity. Next, add a jumper wire between the negative of the first half to the positive of the other half.( If that is too confusing, use the schematic to build it instead. It's always a good idea to check your work against the diagram before powering a circuit up, though. It saves a few explosions.) After that, connect a jumper to ground on to the second half's ground.

Step 5: Step 5: Uses for Your Circuit

Now, check all the connections against the schematic. Then, you can power it up and enjoy!

This circuit could be used for a lot of things, perhaps a solar-powered night light. Think of your own ways to use it, and put it into action!

Some other things super capacitors are used for : Car battery substitute

Solar storage

Short-term power supply

Come back again soon for more ideas!