Introduction: Super Easy Magnetic Cup

About: I enjoy visiting the dump to look at, and take, all the free stuff people throw away. It's a lot of fun. I like Xbox live cus it's the best.

This is a quick, simple, and fantastic way to make an out of the way cup to hold your pencils, pens, markers, screwdrivers, scissors, or any tool in your workshop. The can is very stable and stays on most any metal surface you put it on, it's out of the way and good for holding what you need.

You're going to need:(not much)

1. One tin can
2. Neodymium magnets, For this I used 6 small ones

Step 1: Really Simple

This is all really simple.

Take your magnets and place them going vertical on the can in pairs of 2. I only used 6, so I had 3 pairs of 2 magnets. Place on metal surface like filing cabinet, metal workbench, refridgerator etc. etc, and you have a place to keep whatever you want.

These magnets keep the can on my filing cabinet without a problem, and even with all of the stuff in it, it still takes some force to remove it.

It's perfect for holding small screwdrivers or other tools that you need easily accesible but still out of your way.

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