Introduction: Super Easy Raised Garden Bed


I hear that pressure treated wood is toxic. I also hear that it's not. To be on the safe side, I recommend going the safe route and using regular wood.

This is an easy backyard raised planter bed which only takes the skill of cutting a plank of wood. I did not think this idea up myself but I did build it.

NOTE: The original design was for 2 x 4 boards, 5 x 3 in length, us using one block in each corner. But I wanted a higher bed so used a second set of 2 x 8s for a higher edge and I used three blocks on each corner. I used stacks of three blocks because with two blocks the 2nd tier of wood was wobbly.

Also, it's portable!


  • Twelve Planter Wall Blocks(Available at Home Depot or Lowe's, etc.)
  • Two 2 x 8 pressure treated redwood planks (use whatever wood you wish)
  • circular saw
  • 1/2' rebar 4' long
  • Level
  • Hammer

Step 1: Measure Garden Bed Length, Width, and Placement

Measure the length, width, and placement of your desired size bed. Measuring in exact feet is recommended, makes cutting the planks to the right size easier.

Make sure you check for a location with proper sun coverage for what you want to plant!

Step 2: Place Planter Wall Blocks

Place one planter wall block at each corner of your planned bed. The planter wall blocks are available at places like Home Depot and Lowe’s in the garden sectioning for about three dollars each.

Step 3: Cut Planks for Bed

Cut boards to fit the bed size. For example, if you want your bed to be 5 x 3 feet, cut the board to the same lengths, five feet and three feet.

Fit the boards into the slots on the blocks as shown. You'll have to do a little jiggling around of boards and blocks to get them to be (or at least look) level and straight. I'm still doing that.

Because I wanted a higher bed, I used an extra set of boards with three blocks on each corner instead instead of one. I used three blocks on each corner because with only two, the top plank was was wobbly.

My bed is 5‘ x 3‘, but you can make your bed any size.

Don't fill with soil yet!

Step 4: Insert Rebar, But No Soil Yet

When your bed is level and square to your liking, take off the top block from each corner and drive rebar into the center hole of the blocks on each corner. This will prevent the blocks and wood from being pushed apart by the pressure of the soil that will go inside the bed.

Make sure the top end of the rebar is below the top side of the 3rd block. The photo shown on the right is with the top block removed.

Drive the rebar down far enough so that it is firmly stuck into the ground.

Replace the block on each corner.

The first photo is of the block being twisted and moved before I put in the rebar.

Step 5: Level, Square, Add Soil

Level and square the bed planks

Add soil

Happy gardening!