Introduction: Super Heavyweight BattleBot With Servo Driven Squirt Pistols
So I campaigned this battle bot 'Angriff' back in 2000 & 2001 back with Battle bots was on Treasure Island. Comedy Central dropped the show so BattleBots went away for a while. The bot went into the garage back in 2001. Skip to 2024 and I had to move it from where it had been sitting.
Took me a year to build almost and one trip to emergency when building it back in 2000 so I figured I would have to get it fired back up and running again. Somewhere a month or two back I saw a video on the web about these cool battery powered automatic squirt pistols that would do a muzzle flash when the water came through the barrel. The action automatically cycles as well. Got a laugh out of all of it. I was looking at the ad and then looking at the bot and I had a Terminator moment!
Ordered two of these immediately figuring I would hook them up to the bot just to see what it looked like.
This is a super simple Instructable but I figured I would post it to inspire someone that may have been thinking about doing more with these toys.
Supplies were pretty straight forward. Duct tape, electrical tape, some tie wraps and a block of wood were all that took to get things rolling.
The servos where a 'full size' servo. The micro servos didn't have the torque to get the job done.
Step 1: Mounting
I literally duct taped and tie wrapped the servos to the water pistols and taped the pistols to the 4x4 piece of wood.
Step 2: Testing
I trimmed the servo horns and adjusted them so that the full swing of the servo would engage the trigger. I wanted to avoid having to adjust limits on the servo movement. Fortunately things worked in my favor.
Turns out the pistols drip a LOT of water so I had to make sure all the electrical connections weren't going to get wet.
I used channels 3 & 4 on the receiver to drive the servos.
Step 3: Done!
So trying to make this little movie was a challenge. I was a one man producer/director/camera guy/sound guy.
Got a Terminator 2 sound track tune that I played on my old phone that was blue toothed to a speaker. I worked the red light after I pressed play on the other phone that was in a tripod.