Introduction: Super Simple Curtain

About: I'm a creator, a scientist ... some would say I'm a MAD scientist MWAHAHAHA! I make electric things and electronic devices, mostly musical instruments or noise makers but all kinds of other things too.
This instructable will tell you how to make a really simple curtain from any old peice of fabric you have lying around.

I made one of these curtains for my secret den because I am poor and cannot afford to buy curtains, although not rich in currency I am rich in junk and creativity ;) additionally these curtains are great for places where you can't put up a proper curtain rail.

You will need:
Fabric (the size of the hole you intend to cover or bigger)
Screws ( x2 )

Optional but usefull extras:
Eyelets and eyelet pliers
Swiss army knife
and/or other cutting impliments

Step 1: Make Holes in Fabric

First make some holes along the top of your fabric destined to become a curtain with your screwdriver. That's right, no fancy tools needed, just push your screwdriver through the fabric! If it's too thick then you may need your swiss army knife or some scissors to cut the holes.
I advise you make the holes about 10cm / 4inches apart, but you can make as many or as few as you want.

Step 2: Optional: Add Eyelets

Now is the point where you'd add eyelets to the holes if you have eyelets. This just makes the curtain move alot smoother and stops the holes from fraying.

(For those who don't know what eyelets are)

Step 3: String

Now to make the string-rail. This is what the curtain will be hung on.

To make it, cut some string to a length that is longer than the curtain and tie a loop in one end of the string. You can tie it any way you please but I find that the most sturdy way is to fold the string over so it is doubled up, then tie that in a knot leaving a small loop (pictured below)

Step 4: Lord of the Strings, the Return of the String.

Thread the string through the holes in the curtain, going into the holes on alternating sides.
To clarify: If you put the string into side A, it will come out on side B. Then you need to put it into the next hole on side B where it will come out on side A, then repeat :)

When the string is through, tie the last end into a loop which will secure the curtain on to the string!

Step 5: Hang the Curtain

Now simply put in your screws above the window, door or secret entrance to your secret den that you intend to cover.

To guage the positioning of the screws correctly put in one screw and attach one string loop to it, then hold up your curtain and see where the other loop comes to, make a mark there with the screw or screwdriver and put the screw in about 1cm beyond this mark. The string sags down a bit so this just helps to pull it tight and straight.

Now you are finished! Enjoy your super simple curtain created privacy :)

Step 6: Finished Article (coming Soon to a Window Near You!)

When I can get a good photo of my finished curtain I will post it here!

If anyone else makes one, let's see a photo of it too! :D