Introduction: Super Simple Project Boxes.
Project boxes are awesome. They make your projects look cool, and allow for great functionality. But, as always, there is a draw back. They are down right expensive, and often cool looking ones are not to be found, such as the housing for these Flight Controls. Jason Poel Smith's enclosures offer an amazing solution, but can be quite difficult to make, if like me, you don't have access to necessary woodworking tools.
So, I have created an easy version, which utilises few, fairly cheap materials, available at an even lower price per unit on wholesale, to create an easily modifiable, sleek project enclosure.
With access to a laser cutter, panels could be created precisely, quickly, and with pre cut, precision holes.
Step 1: Equipment and Materials
Foam core board
7 mm/10 mm PVC Right Angle Trim.
Silicone Sealant
Heat Gun/ Line bender
Craft Knife
Rotary Tool with Cut Off Wheel
Straight Edge
Sand Paper
Caulking Gun
Step 2: Design
This method works best with prisms (3D projections of 2D shapes, via extrusion). IN the final box, two end caps will slide off, to reveal a folded 'loop' of foam core (see diagram). Take time and plan your box, it will pay off.
Step 3: End Cap Part 1
Using your straight edge, mark out your end cap on to the foam core and repeat a second time. Try to do it as close to the edge as possible, and attempt to make your shapes tessellate, so you use as little material as possible. Cut these out with your craft/ utility knife. Finally, use your knife to give each side a 45o chamfer.
Step 4: End Cap Part 2
Measure the circumference of your foam core piece. Cut out this length of the PVC right angle.Mark at the length of each side, in order (sea GIF). Measure the appropriate angles, halve the measurement , and marks this on to the line, measuring from the side in the corner (second photo). Cut these out with your rotary tool.
Step 5: End Cap Part 3
Using a heat gun, or if you have one, a strip bender, heat each joint, and mould into place.Using the sealant, glue the peice of foam core into place. Fill the holes with sealant and leave to cure.
Step 6: Main Loop
This stage will determine the length of your box. Mark out and cut a rectangle, one dimension being your desired length for the box, the other dimension the circumference of your box. Parallel to the length dimension, mark a line at every angle, as we did with the PVC. Score these lines, about three quarters of the way into the material. Cut 45o angles along each, to create a grove. add a 45o 'chamfer' to the out side perimeter. This should be able to fold up, and fit in to the end caps. If necessary, remove material, gradually, at lower angle, around each grove.
Step 7: Enjoy Your New Project Boxes!!
Holes for switches, LEDSs, etc. , can easily be added., with scissors, or a craft knife. Happy making!