Introduction: Surival Series: Basic Altoid Survival Kit

Every want to learn how to make an Altoid Survival Kit Easy? Well, you have come to the right place!

Step 1: Assembling Your Kit

What I have in mine top to bottom and left to right:
Altoid Tin (where I taped on the inside cover- emergency info and Exotac adhesive match striker).

First row:  2 rubber bands, 3ft of 2-inch orange duct tape, 5ft of 1-inch wide  gorilla tape, plastic sealled magnesium and ferro rod, striker, emergency whistle, mini-dogtag/signal mirror with sharpened edge.

Second row:  P-38 can opener, sparkie, 3 tenders, button compass, mini-saw, mini-razor/knife, mini-light, 3 needles wrapped with 12 feet of kevlar thread, mini-pencil, 2 safety pins, 6 water purifier tablets, 12ft paracord to wrap the stuff together, and (Not picutred) a split pea lighter.

Step 2: Assembling Contents.

Most contents of the kit you can probally find and home, and the rest at a local sporting goods store. Any item that you can't find or have a question about, feel free to asks about the kit and its contents! If you can, go without the rubber bands and paracord wrapped around your can, and I can safely promise you wouldn't be able to pic it out of a line up!  Advanced version coming soon.

Step 3: Hope This Got You Started!

As my first Instructible, I put alot of time into it and I really hope you guys like it!!!! DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT. Besides, it's free. Comment and ideas for add-ons to the kit.