Introduction: Survey of Clustering Algorithms for MANET

My Project Abstract :

We proposed a cluster based routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network. It uses clustering's structure to decrease average end-to-end delay and improve the average packet delivery ratio. We simulate our routing protocol for nodes running the IEEE802.11 MAC. Results of our experiments show that the packet delivery ratio increases greatly and packet delay decreases significantly. In proposed method the routing is also done quickly and its error tolerance increases. The reason is that, routing is depended on the address of cluster heads. By failing any node in the route, its cluster head may use another node to forward packets (if available). This causes the error tolerance to enhance.

Step 1: Why: Problem Statement

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are collection of mobile nodes that intercommunicate on shared wireless channels. The topology of the network changes with time due to mobility of nodes. Nodes may also enter or leave the network. These nodes have routing capabilities which allow them to create multihop paths connecting node which are not within radio range.

The routing protocols can be roughly divided into three categories: proactive (table driven routing protocols), reactive (on-demand routing protocols), and hybrid. The primary goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is to provide correct and efficient route establishment between pair of nodes so that messages may be delivered in time.

Step 2: How: Solution Description

Our proposed algorithm is a cluster based routing protocol for ad hoc network. In our method, due to the weight group, the cluster creation speed increases, and causes the network services to be more accessible. Recreating of clusters is rarely executed, and when two clusters locate in the same range, one of them becomes the gateway of other node. This causes to prevent the creation of most constructions. In the proposed protocol the routing is also done quickly. The reason is that, routing is depended on the address of cluster heads. By failing any node in the route, its CH may use another node to forward packets (if available). This causes the error tolerance to be enhanced. The performance of proposed protocol has been evaluated through extensive simulation with network topologies of various sizes. Simulations demonstrate significant improvements in packet delivery ratio over traditional routing protocol and better performance than other routing algorithms in literature as well.

Step 3: How Is It Different From Competition

Clustering is a process that divides the network into interconnected substructures, called clusters. Each cluster has a cluster head (CH) as coordinator within the substructure. Each CH acts as a temporary base station within its zone or cluster and communicates with other CHs. In our protocol, there are four possible states for the node: NORMAL, ISOLATED, CLUSTERHEAD and GATEWAY. Initially all nodes are in the state of ISOLATED. Each node maintains the NEIGHBOR table wherein the information about the other neighbor nodes is stored.

Step 4: Who Are Your Customers

  • Mobile Networking
  • Routing
  • Clustering

Step 5: Project Phases and Schedule

Clustering is a process that divides the network into interconnected substructures, called clusters. Each cluster has a cluster head (CH) as coordinator within the substructure. Each CH acts as a temporary base station within its zone or cluster and communicates with other CHs.

Routing : Each node maintains the routing table where in the information about the routes is stored.

Step 6: Resources Required

  • Java Netbeans
  • JDK