Introduction: Survival Kit

Basic survival kit but for free! I got the idea from youtube and survival sites .

Step 1: Container

I got this from my mom because she ordered something for my dad and that's what It came in

Step 2: Cutting Tools

A basic knife and small exacto knife blade .

Step 3: Plastic Bags

Step 4: Fire Starting

Magnesium striker

Step 5: Fishing Supplies

Gum and bobby pins

Step 6: Cordage

Thread , rope , zip ties, duct tape

Step 7: Medical

Bandaid , Advil and , salt

Step 8: Misc.

Whistle , tin foil , strainer , paper clip
Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest

Participated in the
Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest

Manly Crafts Contest

Participated in the
Manly Crafts Contest