Introduction: Survival Kit

This survival kit is very easy to make .If you like my technique please comment.

Step 1: Step 1 Eye Glass Container

You could find this at your home if anyone wear Eye glasses.

Step 2: Step 2 Flash Light

It can be found in any hard ware store.And it is needed to see in the dark at night

Step 3: Step 3 Knife

It is needed to cut of the branches and hunting .It is also key part of survival kit.

Step 4: Step 4 Lighter

Lighter could be found in any cookeries store .It is needed to fire up the cutted branches and also for keeping

our self warm .

Step 5: Step 5 Safety Band-aids

It could found in any pharmacy.While surviving if any part of our is scratched and bleeding this band-aids is put on.It can save you from bleeding.

Step 6: Step 6 Matches

Matches is also needed to light fire.It can be found in Grocer.

Step 7: Step 7 Fever Tablets

This tablet is for fever .If you go for surviving in winter night and you suffer from fever this tablet can help you.

Step 8: Step 8 Pen

It can help you to write at any paper .Suppose you are lost and you have to send a letter to your family .Then

thispen could help you.

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Step 9: