Introduction: Survival Spear Shooter Made With Pvc and Rubber

About: I make weapons, and other things...

This is a tutorial on how to make a spear shooter that could be used in a survival situation for catching fish and small mammals. Hope everyone enjoys:)

Step 1: Materials

For this build you will need some half " to 1" piece of pvc, a length of dried bamboo, some string or wool, a slingshot band and pouch setup, a hacksaw(not shown here) and a craft knife.

Step 2: The Bands

Use the string or wool to attach the bands at opposite sides of the pvc.

Step 3: The Spear

Sorry this is a bad photo. Use the craft knife to shape the thickest end of the bamboo into a point (do not make the the point too long or it will break) then heat it over a flame to make it harder.

Step 4: Nearly Done

This is how it should look now if you have done everything correctly.

Step 5: The Final Step

Cut the pvc off just past the point where the slingshot pouch would slip over the end of the pipe as shown. Now drop the bamboo spear down the barrel, pull it back in the pouch and release. Please use this with caution and if you use it for hunting small game and fish i would recommend looking up laws about hunting in your area.