Introduction: Sweet Potato Pup Snacks
Make healthy, single-ingredient treats for your dog.
Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients and Tools
Ingredients are easy - just one! A sweet potato (or several) from your grocery store.
Tools needed:
- Cutting board to protect your counters
- Large sharp knife
- Dehydrator
Step 2: Wash Up!
Wash your sweet potatoes really well. Scrub them with a veggie brush if you have one; you want them to be nice and clean to go in your dehydrator.
Step 3: Clean
Remove all peels from your sweet potatoes. Make sure to cut out any eyes as well. I carve them out with the tip of the knife, shown in the photo on the left side of the potato.
Step 4: Slice
Slice your sweet potatoes. Try to get the slices as equal as possible so they dry evenly. I find 1/4" to be a good thickness. If your dogs like crunchy treats, 1/4" will work great. If they prefer a harder and / or chewier treat, slice a little thicker.
Step 5: Arrange
Arrange your sweet potato slices for drying. Make sure to arrange relatively evenly, and leave a little space for air to flow through and the dehydrator to do its job.
Step 6: Dehydrate
Stack your dehydrator trays and add the top. Select the correct temperature for your dehydrator to dry vegetables. For my Nesco, the vegetable setting is 135 degrees. I dry several hours or overnight, until nice and crispy.
Step 7: Rewards!
Reward your good dogs with a super healthy snack!
(Just look at those faces!)