Introduction: Sweet Potatoes Ice Cream
How is ice cream a superfood, you say? Well, this one is ;) Sweet potatoes, milk, fruits, and no additional sugar? Can’t get any better than this.
Step 1: Ingredients
For this ice cream, you will need
400 g sweet potatoes (or even yams)
1 can evaporated milk (70 ml)
130 ml freshly squeezed sweet oranges or mandarins
100 g sultanas
Peel the skin of the sweet potatoes, quartered them and steam until soften
Mash sweet potatoes while still hot
Into a mixer bowl, pour orange juice and milk
Add in mashed sweet potatoes, mix until well combine
Pour mixture into ice cream bowl and freeze for 2 hours
Step 2: Blend Freeze Method
Meanwhile, soak sultanas in hot boiling water
Take out ice cream from freezer, pour it into a blender and turn on blender on high until ice cream smooth again.
Back into the bowl and freeze for another 2 hours.
Take out ice cream from freezer, scoop it into blender, and pour sultana mixture into the blender as well. Mix in high speed.
Pour back into the bowl and freeze. Repeat this blending step and freeze, for twice more.
Step 3: Enjoy
Ready to serve, enjoy!