Introduction: TEH KNEX CHAINSAW OF DOOOM! (lol)

have you ever wanted a chainsaw, but had no money to get one? do you need a prop for a home movie, but all you had was KNEX and a drill? well, despair no more! in this instructable, i will show you how to build a weapon of mass destruction out of pure boredom!

Step 1: What You Need

for the basic chainsaw, you will need knex, both micro and normal. you will also need a micro chain for knex. and chain gears.
for the insane-o Uber chainsaw, you will need a drill, and maybe some fake "teeth" this is not included in this instructable, so you will need to figure that out on your own.
easy, amirite?

Step 2: The Blade

this is what makes the chainsaw awesome. this blade has a chain, but no teeth. it also has a design to help stable the blade when you turn on the saw. try to follow the pictures, but if you can't, here is the blade in it's native form:

Step 3: The "motor Box"

this is the "motor box" for the chainsaw. all it really does is help you hold it and help stabilize the blade. so, on to the instructions!
first: you construct a box close to this: fig 1
now, i used duct tape for some of the parts because they were not long enough. see fig.2

Step 4: THE HANDLES OF DOOM! (not Really.)

well, the handles are the easiest part of the build.
the pictures are the instructions. deal with it.

Step 5: Connecting Blade and Body

now, we connect. look at the picture for help.

Step 6: DRILL TIEM! (optional)

if you want, you can attach the drill now.
you will need an adjustable drill bit.
check tha picture.

Step 7: How to Hold and How to Look

like so.