Introduction: THE Cleaner

The Cleaner is a robot which cleans all type of things include pipes controled by mobile phone. it works on all the types of terrain.

Step 1: Mechanical Concept

In this step , we make a mechanical concept for our robot . we have every mechanical parts in the first picture and we have two pictures for our robots in this mechanical conception.

Step 2: Component:

we need same component:

1-arduino card

2-DC Motor

3-l298 shield for driving motors

4- bluetooth system for arduino

5- Ultrasonic sensor

6-Usb camera

7-Some male to male and male to female jumper wires

note: we don't use camera because is very expensive.

Step 3: Hardware Body

We use the mechanical system of a tank , we just add for this system 3 small parts of plexiglass , this is the body of our robot

Step 4: Different Picture of Assembling Robot

All picture explains how we assembly this robot .

Step 5: Programming Arduino

We use arduino for our robot, i just upload the code of arduino here in this step.

Step 6: Contolling the Robot

In the first we have a video , in this video we see the robot work .

We use the mobile phone with android system for controlling robot , we use an application which we found free in play store named BlueArd designed by Rui SAntos.

Step 7: Cleaning Brush

When the ultrasonic sensor detects the object the motor turn the brush to remove the object stuck in the pipe.

Step 8: Video Cleaning With Brush

Step 9: Controlling Robot

First Time Author Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Author Contest 2016

Robotics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Robotics Contest 2016

Sensors Contest 2016

Participated in the
Sensors Contest 2016