Introduction: THE GREAT BENZ



300 Campus Dr, Parkersburg, WV 26104

Instructor: Jared Voldness

Team members: Dustin Graham, Daniel Fowler, and Andy Chu

This project involves modifying a children's car to allow them to use their possible abilities. The cars will be designed with safety in mind and will include other modifications based on their needs.

Step 1:

Create a plan on how to make the modifications needed for the car and gather materials needed for the modifications.

Step 2:

Add the modifications to the car and test the car.


Ready the car for the client.

Step 1: Getting Tools and Materials


Safety goggles

Needle-nose pliers

PVC cutters

Wire strippers

3-D printer

Hot glue gun



Reciprocating saw

Drill with drill bits

Utility knife


Flathead screwdrivers

Number 2 and 1 Philips head screwdrivers


Mercedes Benz coupe

Travel pillow

Back up camera with extra camera

90-degree bracket


Heat shrink

Nuts and Bolts

5-point harness



Heat shrink connectors

Kill switch

Spray paint

16-gauge wires: red and black

Cotter pins

PVC 10ft schedule 40

PVC T x2

PVC 45 x 2

PVC 90 x 2

PVC cap x 4

Pool noodle



Drywall screw 8 1/2" x 8


Vex standoff x 4

Hitec mega giant 2BB servo

Arduino Uno R3


Sun founder joystick PS2 module for Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Active buzzer module

10 pcs male header pin

Sparkfun MP3 player shield

120 pcs multi-colored DuPont wire 40 pin male to female

6V Voltage regulator

2 channel 5V relay module

Ice cube Relay 12VDC

Relay Socket

100 pcs 5mm pitch PCB mount screw

DC 5V ultrasonic distance sensor x 2

Step 2: Making 5-Point Harness

The 5-point harness was mounted on the PVC structure that was attached to the 3-D printed mount.

We used rivets and grommets to hold the 5-point harness on the bar. The other 3 points were screwed into the car.

Step 3: Wiring

The diagram shows how the car was wired into the Arduino. The battery was wired to the kill switch, and then it was wired to the Arduino. All the electronics were wired to the Arduino. The servo was mounted on the axle of the vehicle and strapped by Vex c channels. We relocated the charging port to the right side of the vehicle. Then the joystick was wired in and was shrink wrapped. Wire management was the last thing we did.

Step 4: Code

Link to code:

1. Download Arduino IDE


Plug the Arduino into the computer with Arduino IDE installed via USB.

3. Copy the code from the GitHub link and correct any formatting errors.

4. Test the board to ensure it is giving the correct outputs based on the wiring diagram found in the "Installing the Arduino" section.

5. Check that all components are functioning properly before installing.

Step 5: Camera and Sensors

Cameras were mounted on the front and the back of the car's bumper. Sensors were mounted underneath the camera for distance sensing. The LCD screen is mounted on the table so that Greyson can see what's going on behind him. If he does get too close to something the sensors will go off and then halt backing up.

Step 6: 30 Degree Seat and Table

Lumber was placed underneath the seat to prop up the seats at a 30-degree angle. The table made of plywood was placed on the place where the dashboard was. Wires were pulled from the side of the table for the camera and joystick.

Step 7: Summary

Remove all components in the car. Cut then installed in a table to the necessary size. Mount the computers in the hood. Mount the chair at 30 degrees and use lumbar to close open space. Cut a foam board for the back of the seat. Wire the components and do wire management. Then present your car after cleaning and vacuuming your car.

Step 8: Finish Car

You are now done!