Introduction: TI-84 Training

Allow student to gain knowledge and familiarity of a TI-84 graphing calculator.


TI-84 Graphing Calculator


Step 1: Basic Keys

Work with the following commands on the face of the calculator.

  • Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide
  • Square
  • Logarithm
  • Natural Logarithm
  • Parenthesis
  • Carrot Top
  • Delete

Step 2: The 2nd Button

Work with the 2nd button to expand the face key commands. The 2nd button will open the blue commands that are posted above the face buttons. These include the following:

  • Square Root
  • Pi
  • Imaginary Numbers
  • Euler's Number e
  • Ans
  • Entry
  • Insert

Step 3: The Mode Button

When entering in the Mode button, the ability to change back and forth form degree and radian mode is found. When knowing this the following face buttons are introduced:

  • Sin
  • Cos
  • Tan
  • Sin^-1
  • Cos^-1
  • Tan^-1

Step 4: Practice Face Buttons

Use the Chromebook or Laptop for a PowerPoint with examples to practice on the commands learned in Steps 1-3.

Step 5: The Math Menu

The first menu to work at and the most commonly used is the Math Menu. Within the menu the following commands will be shown:

  • Changing Fractions to Decimals and back
  • Cubing
  • Roots larger than 2
  • Logarithms not in base 10
  • Summation
  • Factorial and other Probability Commands
  • Absolute Value

Step 6: The Matrix Menu

Another menu that will be shown is the Matrix Menu. Through this menu there are some commands that are not discussed in high school but there are a few, and the familiarity of the menu as a whole will be included. The main commands and operations that will use this menu and be discussed in this instruction are the following:

  • Creating a Matrix
  • Storing a Matrix
  • Finding a Determinant
  • Adding/Subtracting stored matrices
  • Multiplying and Scalar Multiplication of stored matrices

Step 7: Practice With Menus

Use a Chromebook or Laptop for a PowerPoint to practice with steps 5 and 6.

Step 8: Create a Scatter Plot

To create the scatter plot the data will need to be placed in the lists that are found within the Stat Button, and under Edit option 1 and typing the data into L1 and L2. After the data is in Press 2nd and then Y=. Then follow the next steps to get the Scatter Plot to show:

  1. Select a Plot
  2. Turn it On
  3. Select the first type of graph
  4. Make sure Xlist is L1
  5. Make sure Ylist is L2
  6. Select any Mark
  7. Press Zoom (Middle button under screen)
  8. Select Option 9

Step 9: Find Line of Best Fit

With the data in the calculator, go into the Catalog to turn on diagnostic, this will allow the correlation factor to show on with the regression lines. Then go through the following Regressions within the Stat Button and in the Calc menu.

  • Linear
  • Quadratic
  • Cubic
  • Quartic
  • Exponential
  • Logarithmic

While going through these see which has a correlation "r" closer to 1 or -1. Once found, predict with the line of best fit.

Step 10: Practice With the Data

Use a Chromebook or Laptop to follow a PowerPoint to practice with Steps 8 and 9.

Step 11: Assessments

Work on three assessments.

  • First: Steps 1-3
  • Second: Steps 5-6
  • Third: Steps 8-9