Introduction: TIssue Flowers
Tissue flowers made to adore♥
Step 1: Things Needed...
Things needed for making flowers are:
3.Flexi String
6.Stockings /Tissue
7.Green tape.
3.Flexi String
6.Stockings /Tissue
7.Green tape.
Step 2: String It
Lay out the long string and cut it at about 5cm/7cm length.
The number of strings you cut are the number of petals you want fo make..
The number of strings you cut are the number of petals you want fo make..
Step 3: Bend It
Bend the string like a hanger.
The shape must be triangular
The shape must be triangular
Step 4: Tissue Cover
Place the tissue on the workplace and put the string over it and fold it according to the lines marked holding at the red point
Step 5: Twistie
1.After holding it just twist it.
2.Make a knot around to hold it.
3.Strengthen the knot.
2.Make a knot around to hold it.
3.Strengthen the knot.
Step 6: Cutit
1. A view of strengthened knot.
2. Alter the shape of the petal after it has been tied tight.
3. Cut the remaining tissue from the petal.
4. View of a single petal.
2. Alter the shape of the petal after it has been tied tight.
3. Cut the remaining tissue from the petal.
4. View of a single petal.
Step 7: Adding Pollens
Bend the pollen and fix to the petal made.
Tie it along with the pollen.
Tie it along with the pollen.
Step 8: Greenie
Use green tape to cover the string and give it a flowery look.
Hold tape tight so it sticks to the string.
Hold tape tight so it sticks to the string.
Step 9: Tissue Flowers
1.Make as many flower you actually need.
2.Attach green satin ribbon for a blend of long green leaves.
2.Attach green satin ribbon for a blend of long green leaves.