Introduction: TV Stand

About: Just a normal dude from Finland. Love to build stuff what i need, mostly from wood.


This is my first attemp to make an instructables (or more of a way to show what i made). I'm sorry about my writing/grammar/spelling mistakes (i'm from finland), google translate is not so good.

We needed a new tvstand for our livingroom, so i went and build a new one. Sorry about that i don't have pictures from every step from building that stand. Saw this awesome joinery in here Roubo-Style-Workbench and i decided to use same kind joint on this stand.

I don't have a proper woodworking workbench and tools so i used those what i had in hand.

Measures are in millimeters.

Wood materials:

Top 30 x 220 x 1700mm 2pcs Pine board(or blank)

Legs 80 x 80 x 1100mm 3pcs

Shelves 18 x 400 x 1700mm 2pcs (pine)


Table saw (Makita Flipover, pretty handy)



Power drill

Hand saw

Grinding machine + sand paper




Step 1: Make the Legs

First i made the legs. (i hope my drawings help's a little bit)

  1. Cut them in the right lenght from 1100mm to 6 pieces of 540mm(i didn't have any measurement so i just went on the fly.)
  2. Draw your marks on the legs (where to start saw the joint's)

After marking is done on all legs, i set the table saw blade to cut a 32mm deep (top is 30mm thick). I pretty much used the table saw to cut all the joint's on the leg's, it was a bit tricky but i managed to do it.

The pencil blueprint is missing two joint's what i made for those shelves, but i made you a nice paint picture for it.

Step 2: Top

First i started to make those joint holes. I didn't know any better way to do those holes than a chisel and hammer (took a lot of time). So i took one leg and placed that on top of the board and drawed guidelines for my joint.

After those joint's are done i used wood glue to glue two of those pieces together (clamped them over night). When the glue dryed i decided which side is better looking. I used knot filler(brown hot glue) to fill up all the bigger holes and wood putty on smaller ones. Then some grinding to sand it smooth. When sanding is done, turned the top over and screwed those mdf pieces on the bottom to just keep things nice and sturdy (maybe prevent the top to bend or something).

I had to use file for every joint hole to fine tuning those legs to fit.

Step 3: Shelves

These were easy to do. Just grab your hand saw and saw those notches on the board. I had to measure how deep the notch has to be that those shelves is on the middle of the stand. The top is 440 width and those shelves is 400 so on the legs there is 30mm deep notch so i had to cut it about 32mm deep on the shelves to get it middle.

Step 4: Fitting the Top and Test Assembly

You can see on the picture that those legs comes that 2mm over from the top, i wanted to have a smooth top so i sanded that 2mm away to get it nice and smooth.

The building order what i thought was the easiest is first you but the legs on the other side of the shelf, then to the other side, last one is the top.

When everything is fitting nicely, i used sand paper to smoothen the edges little bit (sharpness away).

Step 5: Finalizing

I used wood glue on the top joint's, not on the shelves. Those little things what i screwed on the bottom of the stand ( i dont know the word for them) is keeping those legs nicely in place so no need for glue. When everything is on their right place it's just sanding those edges smooth and removing you pencil markings.

After sanding i used knot filler to fill up those top joint's cause i didn't manage to get them fit perfectly. More sanding.

Sanding is done so it's time to stain that tvstand. I used umm "dark nut" stain what i got from my workplace. I bought a cheap paint gun from biltema what i used to blow that nut color on the stand. After painting i used a soft sponge to even out the stain color. Let it dry about couple hours. After staining i took a grinding machine and a soft sponge kind sandpaper to sand the stain a little bit.

Time for waxing, i used somekind of furniture wax on it, don't know the name of it (got it from my workplace), oh yeah i used that same paint gun to spread that wax on it to get the wax smoothly everywhere, aand same sponge technique to get off excess wax away. I let it dry couple days just for sure

Step 6: And the Final Product

And here it is finished and polished.

You can ask me anything from the project and give me some tips and hints to make better instructables or something.