Introduction: Tackle Box Organization Hack

About: Survivalist and trades man

This is a simple way to organize your fishing hooks and spinners for your tackle box. It will help you find your equipment with ease and be able to select the equipment without being cut by a hook.

Supplies needed :

Glue gun or other adhesive

tackle box



cutting tool

Step 1: Pick a Slot in the Tackle Box

Step 2: Measure the Slot

Step 3: Cut a Square of Styrofoam Using the Previous Measurements

Use caution while working with knives or cutting tools

Step 4: Make Sure the Square Is Straight and Doesn't Have Any Cracks

Step 5: Use a Glue Gun or Other Adhesive to Put in the Slot of Choice

Use caution while working with adhesive and glue guns

Step 6: Place the Styrofoam Over the Glued Slot and Press Firmly

alllow 1 minute to dry

Step 7: Start Placing Your Hooks in the Styrofoam

Step 8: Bend a Paperclip in This Shape

Step 9: Place Your Spinners on the Paperclip

Step 10: Place the Paperclip Into Styrofoam . Now You Have a Organized Tackle Box Slot