Introduction: Tactical Hand Grip for K-bar

In this instructable im going to show you how to make a tactical hand grip for your k-bar out of an old bike inner tube.

what youll need:
-bike inner tube

-k-bar knife


Step 1: First Step

The first step is to remove the end cap.

Step 2: Second Step

Next you are goning to need to cut your peice of inner tube. Make sure the inner tube is a little longer than the knife handle.

Step 3: Third Step

Now your going to need to roll the inner tube. This makes the next step easyer.

Step 4: Fourth Step

Take the rolled up inner tube and slide it onto the knife so that the end of the inner tube sits even with the end of the knife handle. When you have that then unroll the inner tube up to the handle gard. 

Step 5: Final Step

Now screw the cap back on. There you have it! Hope you enjoyed my first instructable.

please let me know if theres anything i can inprove on thanks.