Introduction: Taking Photographs in Macro
UPDATE: Set the camera on your knee or on a tripod to foucs on the subject better.The little square on the camera viewfinder/lcd screen is for puting the subject in. Hold it steady and you'll take a good shot.
Macro photography is close-up form of photography using a digital or SLR camera
On SLRs, special Macro lenses have to be used.For my video, I have used the 'digital' macro inbuilt in the Canon SX10 IS
This is an 30-second video guide to taking better and more professional macro photographs.Have fun experimenting with different macro settings.
All pictures have been taken with a Canon SX10 IS
UPDATE: Set the camera on your knee or on a tripod to foucs on the subject better.The little square on the camera viewfinder/lcd screen is for puting the subject in. Hold it steady and you'll take a good shot.
Macro photography is close-up form of photography using a digital or SLR camera
On SLRs, special Macro lenses have to be used.For my video, I have used the 'digital' macro inbuilt in the Canon SX10 IS
This is an 30-second video guide to taking better and more professional macro photographs.Have fun experimenting with different macro settings.
All pictures have been taken with a Canon SX10 IS