Introduction: How to Use TinkerCad Circuits

About: My name is Ahmed Nouira I'm student in Polytech Monastir(Tunisia).Passionate About LINUX Systems, Embedded Electronics, And all About Python.

TinkerCad is a simple, online 3D design and 3D printing app for everyone.
Today I will show you how to use TinkerCad for electronics simulation using Circuits.

Step 1: Why TinkerCad Circuits ?

TinkerCad offers many benefits :
1- Online : You do not need to install any thing in your PC.

2- OpenSoure : Free, no license needed, for everyone.

3- Simulator : He offer a good interface for desinging and simulate your project he is better than Fritizing but his little problem is the lack of packages and components.

Step 2: Creating an Account

If you don’t already have a TinkerCad account then create one.

Step 3: Go to TinkerCad Circuits

Click on Circuits to switch from 3D Designs to Ciruits mode, and then click on Create new Circuit.
If everything is all right let's start working and discover this platforme .

Step 4: Tp1 : LED Blinking

For this Tp1 I will show you how to blink a LED.
You need to drag: Arduino Uno.


Resistor (change it value to 220 ohm).


After you have correctly wire the components you need to write and upload the Arduino code ( by using start simulation in the top of the page ).

Hint : you can also copy and paste the exemple code of the Arduino IDE (Basisc > blink) and see the built-in LED blinking.

You watch the video if you a have a problem.

Step 5: Tp2 : Serial Monitor

For this Tp2 I will show you how to use serial monitor and print some values form a

You need to drag:

Arduino Uno.


After you have correctly wire the componeents you need to write and upload the arduino code ( by using start simulation in the top of the page ).

You watch the video if you a have a problem.

Step 6: Conclusion

TinkerCad is very good site for online modeling 3D and simulate Arduino circuits (Projects).

I will some others Tps and projects using TinkerCad Ciruits.

If you have any question of course you can conctact me at : , comment this tutorial


Thanks for reading this instructable ^^ and have a nice day.