Introduction: Teen Romance Card Party

Use Your Creative ENERGY and your favorite Romance novels to create unique Valentine's Day cards.

Step 1: Front Cover of Card.

Use stickers, stamps, and copied images to create mini-collages.

Step 2: Copy the Cover of Your Novel.

Use the copier in the library.

Step 3: Copy Favorite Romantic Passages

We will cut up the text and use in the card.

Step 4: Learn Pop-up Technology

Students will learn how to create the heart pop-up used for the inside of the card. They will have an opportunity to stamp, glue, sticker & personalize their creation.

Step 5: Mini- Heart Hanger

Students will learn how to make a hanging card that uses the mini-heart pop-up. Students will incorporate copied book covers, text, stickers & stamps for their unique creations.

Step 6: Envelopes

A variety of envelopes will be provided, so students can protect their wonderful creations.