Introduction: Ten Minute Trellis
This is a tutorial for a small trellis for climbing seedlings. Very inexpensive materials were used. You can use a variety of materials to accomplish this.
Step 1: Gather Materials
Gather supplies. You can use a variety of materials to lash the trellis together. I tried three different methods: clear tape, ribbon & glue, and electrical tape. The first one I did was clear tape, but the concept is the same, regardless of materials.
*Tape / ribbon & glue
*wooden skewers
*Tape / ribbon & glue
*wooden skewers
Step 2: Assemble Trellis
Put the skewers together so they make a small X at the tips. I put the pointy ends down so they go through the soil easier.
Step 3: Lash the Trellis Together
Here's the idea of lashing them together. Basically an "over, under and around" idea.
Step 4: Adding Steps
This one was made with only three skewers: two for the sides and one that was cut into thirds for the steps.
Step 5: The Ribbon Version
For the ribbon version, steps 1 & 2 are the same, but instead of having wooden steps, they are ribbon. You start the ribbon wrapping at the bottom of one of the sides, glueing & wrapping as you go.
Step 6: Three Different Versions
Here are three different versions in action.