Introduction: Test Tree Stump Remover for Chlorates, Nitrates or Metabisulfites
How to test stump remover for potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, or sodium metabisulfite.
All of these chemicals are useful and stump removers can be an easy to obtain source for them. The stump remover SHOULD be labeled. But if it isn't you can perform these tests.
First mix an equal portion of sugar and stump remover and add sulfuric acid. This might cause the mixture to catch fire (add more acid if it doesn't go at first). If it does, it's most likely potassium or sodium chlorate (usually potassium).
If it doesn't light with sulfuric acid, then try torching it. If it starts to burn on it's own, then it's potassium nitrate.
To be absolutely certain, you can run the nitrate test we already showed in a previous video:
If it's sodium metabisulfite, it won't burn with sugar under any circumstances. To confirm it's metabisulfite, in a separate container of 10mL of water add 1gram of the stump remover and 0.5 grams of iodine from one of our previous videos:
If it is sodium metabisulfite it will fizz and dissolve as seen in the video.
Once you've identified the stump remover you can start doing experiments!
Chlorate - Make fire without matches:
Chlorate - fire storm in a test tube:
Nitrates - Make nitric acid:
Metabisulfite - Make Sulfuric Acid:
All of these chemicals are useful and stump removers can be an easy to obtain source for them. The stump remover SHOULD be labeled. But if it isn't you can perform these tests.
First mix an equal portion of sugar and stump remover and add sulfuric acid. This might cause the mixture to catch fire (add more acid if it doesn't go at first). If it does, it's most likely potassium or sodium chlorate (usually potassium).
If it doesn't light with sulfuric acid, then try torching it. If it starts to burn on it's own, then it's potassium nitrate.
To be absolutely certain, you can run the nitrate test we already showed in a previous video:
If it's sodium metabisulfite, it won't burn with sugar under any circumstances. To confirm it's metabisulfite, in a separate container of 10mL of water add 1gram of the stump remover and 0.5 grams of iodine from one of our previous videos:
If it is sodium metabisulfite it will fizz and dissolve as seen in the video.
Once you've identified the stump remover you can start doing experiments!
Chlorate - Make fire without matches:
Chlorate - fire storm in a test tube:
Nitrates - Make nitric acid:
Metabisulfite - Make Sulfuric Acid: