Introduction: The Animated Light
This is "The Animated Light", my purpose is to make a light that animated. It may not useful as a regular light, it represents the life. My light has the expiration date, after the certain time, my light becomes putrid, unuseable.
Step 1: Step 1
I bought fresh pig skin from 99 ranch market, I was using pig skin because it is pervious to light.
Step 2: Step 2
I cut off the skin and fat, tested under the light.
Step 3: Step 3
I sewed these pig skins together with hemp rope which is I had from home depot. The hog casing was bought from Amazon, I blew the casing to make it expand.
Step 4: Finished
The light bulb and light base were bought from Ikea. I covered the light bulb by pig skin, and stick the light bulb base into a fresh pork. I also covered the electric wire by hog casing.