Introduction: The Cardboard T- Rex Fossil
In this instructables I will show you how to make a fossil out of cheap materials such as cardboard and tape.
The fossil I made really looked like one just escavated from ground. I took less than 3 hours to make it.
Here are the stuffs you need:
Sheet of Cardboard
White glue
cardboard box
The fossil I made really looked like one just escavated from ground. I took less than 3 hours to make it.
Here are the stuffs you need:
Sheet of Cardboard
White glue
cardboard box
Step 1: Cutting Out the Bones- the Rib Cage
Cut out the cardboard sheet as in the picture and the fold the slightly to give them a curve. These curves are the most important element. Notice that the ribs are longer at one end while shorter at other.
Step 2: Skeleton
In the similar way tail bone and other bones can be cut out. I gave them slight curve like the rib cage.
I wanted the entire fossil to fit inside a box so i made them to that propotion.
I wanted the entire fossil to fit inside a box so i made them to that propotion.
Step 3: Time to Get Hands Dirty
I sticked the cardboard bones over a thermocol sheet and applied a layer of white glue over it. then I sprinked some sand and dust over it to make it real.
Step 4: Put the Fossil in the Box
I took a cardboard box and cut out a rectangle. I sticked 2 dc bulbs in it for yellow light. You can also use leds. And the connected it to a wall power source via an old mobile charger.
You can color the box as you wish but i left it for now.
The fossil loose amazing in dark.
You can color the box as you wish but i left it for now.
The fossil loose amazing in dark.