Introduction: The Colour of the Candle

the colour of the canle

Step 1: What Is the Project About

the project is about how dose fire effect a candle

Step 2: The Problem

What effect does the color of the candle affect the speed of combustion

Step 3: Hypothesis

My hypothesis is that liter collard candles would melt faster

Step 4: The Variables

The dependent variables: speed of combustion

The independent variables: color of the candle

Step 5: What Did I Do

uI melted a candle and saw how dose the fire changed

the collar of the candle.

Step 6: Material

1. collard candle

2. lighter

3.Cork box

Step 7: Procedure

1. I put the candle in the cork box

2. I melted the candle

3. I took pictures of the candle every 3 min and timed how many min it takes the candle to melt.

Step 8: Blue

6cm long

After 3 min it became 3.5cm

After 6 min it became 2cm

It took 8 min and 26 sec to melt

And after it melted the collar became liter

Step 9: Pink

6cm long

After 3 min it became 2.5cm

After 6 min it became 1cm

It took 6 min and 5 sec to melt

And after it melted the collar became liter

Step 10: White

6cm long

After 3 min it became 1.5cm

After 6 min it became 0.5cm

It took 5 min and 9 sec to melt

And the collar did not change

Step 11: What Is the Conclusion

That when the chemicals that are in the candle are of fire it changes the collar of the wax and that some candles takes a longer time to melt depending on how big is the flame.

Step 12: Why Was This a Great Idea

It’s a great idea because I wanted to see how dose the fire affect the candle.

Step 13: What Did I Learn From the Process

That when chemicals are of fire the change the collar of the candle.

Step 14: What Is My Plan for Future for Further Study

That see what types of chemicals that are in a candle.