Introduction: The First Usage of 0.96" I2C OLED Display With Arduino UNO
Today, I am going to show you how to use 0.96" I2C OLED display with Arduino UNO board. There are a lot of different type of OLED displays. I have got 4-pinned OLED display with me. This displays can be with SPI pins instead of I2C. These versions can be seen on Adafruit's website
The Need List:
1. Arduino UNO (With USB A to B cable)
2. 0.96" I2C OLED display (4-pinned)
3. Tiny Breadboard or male-female tiny cables
4. Your computer (Arduino IDE loaded)
Step 1: The Code
Download the file below, then copy the codes to paste on Arduino IDE.
Step 2: The Necessary Libraries
On Arduino IDE >> Sketch >> Include Library >> Manage Libraries >> search for Adafruit_SSD1306 then install, and search for Adafruit_GFX then install.
Also check Adafruit's Github page for more
Step 3: The Connections
Arduino 3.3V - VCC OLED
Arduino GND - GND OLED
Arduino Analog In A5 - SCL OLED
Arduino Analog In A4 - SDA OLED
Step 4: The Modifications
When we loaded Adafruit library we need to modify it.
Go to the folder where Arduino libraries are loaded,
C:\Users\<em>**your pc name**</em>\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_SSD1306
On this folder, find Adafruit_SSD1306.h file, click on it or press F2 to rename, rename it as Adafruit_SSD1306.h.txt then find this sentences in the middle of the codes, seems like:
<p>//#define SSD1306_128_64<br> #define SSD1306_128_32 //#define SSD1306_96_16</p>
Comment the 32, and uncomment the 64 as
<p> #define SSD1306_128_64<br>// #define SSD1306_128_32 // #define SSD1306_96_16</p>
CTRL + S to save this text. Go to the library folder and find Adafruit_SSD1306.h.txt to rename as Adafruit_SSD1306.h then return to Arduino IDE.
Step 5: Upload the Codes to Arduino UNO
On Arduino IDE (I used v1.6.8 for this instructables, learn how to update/download Arduino IDE) click on upload button to upload the codes from your computer to your Arduino UNO via USB cable type A to type B.
After the upload, click on reset button on Arduino board, then check your OLED display for the joy :D
Step 6: BONUS PROJECT: Reading Temperature and Humidity Values to Put These on OLED Display
Let's see what the temperature and the humidity ratio are on our OLED display. I modified the codes. On below, you can get code.txt file as codes are written on there by Bay Yolal.
The connections are like this:
Arduino 3.3V - VCC OLED
Arduino GND - GND OLED
Arduino Analog In A5 - SCL OLED
Arduino Analog In A4 - SDA OLED
Arduino 5V - VCC DHT11
Arduino GND - GND DHT11
Arduino pin 2 - Data DHT11
Note: code.txt is the original code included. code_°C.txt file is for displaying the centigrade degree symbol.
That's all !
Step 7: BONUS: Reading This Instructable
NOTE: This instructable's step is aimed for visually impaired people to hear the sentences to learn what's going on here. Watch the video, it explains all steps.