Introduction: The Gift (Card) That Keeps on Giving
We get tons of these, whether it be from AARP wanting us to sign up, or an expired credit card, or even that $5.00 McDonald's card with .47 left on it, that's hanging out in that draw..
They are INVALUABLE as;
- A silicon scraper,
- a plastic pry opener,
- a crumb / dirt cleaner,
- a hard squeegee,
- Got stuff stuck on glass, or a wall, use em to pull the item off,
- you can use them as a lock pick / door opener,
- Fold one, makes a great doorstop,
- cut it to any shape a really useful tool.
need something to hold down something else when your soldering / hot gluing
And yes, for you hackers out there and checked, there is .47 left on this gift card>