Introduction: The Greenest Bathroom Rack

About: Webdesigner, gardener, artist, whatever. I love to build things and to reinvent the wheel. Deep down I want to be Mac Gyver I guess.


Ok, I'm a big fan.
Hiding in the Instructables shadows, building, watching, waiting for the big project.
But hey, I have to start somewhere. So here it is, an old, quick project.
So be gentle :) Next time there'll be more pictures.

The annoyingly green bathroom rack!

Your bathroom needs more green.
Also, if you have some weird space left, you might as well build a perfectly fitted rack for your self.
It's easy, looks interesting and for me it was free.

Step 1: Prepare…


  • Wood strips (I had some left, don't buy if you can find :)
  • Some wood screws (also nothing special, use what you have)
  • Leftover paint, preferably green (I used simple interior paint which – to my surprise – did not stain)


  • Saw
  • Screwdriver
  • Paint brush
  • Drill
  • Pencil
  • (Pocket measure/rule)

Step 2: Draw It, Mark It, Build It…

(Sorry no pictures from the built, time to train your imagination!)


Ok, first I made some sketches. Obviously yours can/should look differently.

Marking Out

You don't really need to measure.
By holding them in place and marking them out with the pencil you'll get the length and right angle.


Cut the pieces to size, make sure they fit.
You can color them now, or when everything is assembled.


It's a good idea to pre-drill because the small wood strips split easily.
Put in some screws ( you can see them in the picture… ).


Step 3: Voilà

There it is in it's shiny greenness (I guess the rack and the instructable).

Ok, I have to admit, I probably never arranged the towels like this again…

Have fun!

First Time Author Contest

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First Time Author Contest

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Shelving Contest