Introduction: The Knex Handcuffs

Well all i can say it amazing that im back and bringing a new instructable and it very easy to build
and i also have a piece list yes yes yes

Step 1: Piece List

ok I might have this right

dark grey knex = 8x
orange knex = 4x
red knex = 14x
green knex = 24x
yellow knex = 4x
tan clip = 2x
green rod = 32x
white rod = 19x
blue rod =6x

Step 2: First Making the Handcuffs

ok follow the steps i dont know what much to say lmao :)

Step 3: Next the Base Pieces

like i sayed in last step just follow the steps lmao :)

Step 4: Next Step the Holding Base

Like on the other two steps just follow the pictures lolz