Introduction: The Necronomitar
As a guitarist in a metal band, I often find myself trying to come up with new ways to one up the other bands in the area. Sometimes this involves coming up with a cooler riff or better show. Sometimes, though, it's the gear you play! The problem with that is, like most guitarists, I'm broke.
The Solution:
The other night I was watching the Evil Dead movies and I half jokingly made a comment about a guitar designed like the necronomicon... The NECRONOMITAR! Well, that got my gears turning. I spent many days contemplating how to do this, and now here it is... the MOST death metal guitar ever!
Check the final step for more ideas I've come up with based on the same materials.
This instructable should not ruin your guitar's sound in any way, shape, or form, but that being said, if you do ruin your guitar don't blame me. I'm not the one modifying your stuff. Also, use your brain, this instructable is for cheapo guitars like Strat knockoffs. If you do this to your guitar make sure its one you don't "need" just in case you mess up.
The Solution:
The other night I was watching the Evil Dead movies and I half jokingly made a comment about a guitar designed like the necronomicon... The NECRONOMITAR! Well, that got my gears turning. I spent many days contemplating how to do this, and now here it is... the MOST death metal guitar ever!
Check the final step for more ideas I've come up with based on the same materials.
This instructable should not ruin your guitar's sound in any way, shape, or form, but that being said, if you do ruin your guitar don't blame me. I'm not the one modifying your stuff. Also, use your brain, this instructable is for cheapo guitars like Strat knockoffs. If you do this to your guitar make sure its one you don't "need" just in case you mess up.
Step 1: Tools and Materals
Guitar (duh)
Paper or cardboard
Aluminum foil
Painters caulk
Mold release
Latex mold maker
Wood stain - red mahogoney works best
Glue - optional
Screwdrivers - for disassembling the guitar
Adjustable wrench - for disassembling the guitar
Torch - I used a standard propane torch
Guitar (duh)
Paper or cardboard
Aluminum foil
Painters caulk
Mold release
Latex mold maker
Wood stain - red mahogoney works best
Glue - optional
Screwdrivers - for disassembling the guitar
Adjustable wrench - for disassembling the guitar
Torch - I used a standard propane torch
Step 2: Disassemble the Guitar
Using the screwdrivers and adjustable wrench, remove all of the components of the guitar. Whether you remove the neck or not is up to you. Be sure to take note of where everything goes and keep your removed parts in a container so you don't lose anything.
Step 3: Tracing and Caulking
Do this step OUTSIDE! When using a large amount of caulking like this it tends to produce a very strong, lingering odor.
Now we are going to trace the shape of the guitar onto the paper/cardboard. After you have finished tracing it draw another line about 1" out from the first. This line accounts for the thickness of the guitar. The next line will be based of the second line we made. For this line we just want to draw some random bumps going outwards. These will be the parts we fold over the edge of the guitar to tack it in place.
Once all of the lines have been drawn go ahead and empty the whole tube of caulk in side the lines. Then using whatever is around pull the caulking to the outer lines. I used my hands and a shop towel to help give it some shape. Any shape you add now will show up later under the latex in the form of thicker/ thinner parts, adding to the effect.
Let it dry. This can take awhile. I let mine stay over night.
Now we are going to trace the shape of the guitar onto the paper/cardboard. After you have finished tracing it draw another line about 1" out from the first. This line accounts for the thickness of the guitar. The next line will be based of the second line we made. For this line we just want to draw some random bumps going outwards. These will be the parts we fold over the edge of the guitar to tack it in place.
Once all of the lines have been drawn go ahead and empty the whole tube of caulk in side the lines. Then using whatever is around pull the caulking to the outer lines. I used my hands and a shop towel to help give it some shape. Any shape you add now will show up later under the latex in the form of thicker/ thinner parts, adding to the effect.
Let it dry. This can take awhile. I let mine stay over night.
Step 4: Burnification Process
While waiting for the caulk to dry, let there be fire! Using a torch, give the whole guitar a nice coating of burnt, by lightly brushing the torch over it.
If any part of this instructable is dangerous or could potentially ruin the guitar, this is it! While burning the guitar be sure to KEEP MOVING. If its catching fire you are going to slow. Also on the neck, do it in quick passes. The best way to describe the burning process is it's like spray painting not like dosing in gasoline.
If any part of this instructable is dangerous or could potentially ruin the guitar, this is it! While burning the guitar be sure to KEEP MOVING. If its catching fire you are going to slow. Also on the neck, do it in quick passes. The best way to describe the burning process is it's like spray painting not like dosing in gasoline.
Step 5: Laying the Latex
After letting the painter's caulk dry, we are ready for the latex. First we want to rip most of the paper off of the caulking. Next, set the caulking on the aluminum foil. Spray the whole thing done with mold release. Then, pour the latex over it, again, starting in the middle and working towards the edges. Let the whole thing dry over night.
Reassemble the guitar.*
*While you are waiting, now is the perfect time to switch out pickups or shield the electronics. Search instructables there are plenty of great tutorials on such mods.
Reassemble the guitar.*
*While you are waiting, now is the perfect time to switch out pickups or shield the electronics. Search instructables there are plenty of great tutorials on such mods.
Step 6: Sweet Release
Once the latex is dry, cover it with wood stain. Allow 5 minutes then wipe the excess, repeat until desired coloration is achieved. To make it easier to separate the latex from the caulking, put the whole thing in a bucket of water for 10 minutes. Finally, just peel the latex off. Don't worry if you have some tears and imperfections, it will add to the character.
Step 7: Attaching the Skin
With the guitar reassembled and the latex separated, we can now start attaching the "skin". Start by using small nails or flush thumb tacks to attach the latex to the back of the guitar. as you work your way around pull the latex tight. Hint: latex does tear so fold it over under the nail. Also, when you have the nail about half way in hit it sideways so it folds over some of the unpunctured latex. this is where you can use some glue to help ease the stress on the latex.
Once the latex is completely attached use scissors to cut spaces for the pickups, bridge, and other stuff.
Once the latex is completely attached use scissors to cut spaces for the pickups, bridge, and other stuff.
Step 8: Finishing Touches / Final Words
Pat yourself on the back... You're now the proud owner of the most ferocious guitar in the world...
Now it's time to make up a background story. Be original!
Since I finished this I have thought about applying the process to other objects. One idea is to make a realistic looking necronomicon. Another idea is to use it as an Ipod covering. The sky is the limit!
Now it's time to make up a background story. Be original!
Since I finished this I have thought about applying the process to other objects. One idea is to make a realistic looking necronomicon. Another idea is to use it as an Ipod covering. The sky is the limit!