Introduction: The Nightmare Before Christmas Lock, Shock and Barrel Masks
Materials needed for this project: Plastilina Non drying Clay, Rigid Wrap, Basic Paints
Step 1: Sculpting the Mask
Your going to need a Non drying Clay (plastilina ) and Either a face Cast or a flat surface to sculpt on. Gather your Supply's and sculpt the shape of each mask according to a reference photo.
Step 2: Rigid Wrap the Sculpt.
After you have Completed the sculpt you now will use rigid wrap for the base of the masks! Using warm water and the plaster strips you will slowly Add the strips to the top of the sculpt in thin strips to completely cover the mask except the eyes.
See video of that process here. Starts at 3:20 in
Step 3: Paint and Wear!
Congrats on your mask, Now you just need to paint! User a reference photo and have fun!