Introduction: The Oracle.

About: Bytesize articles instead of a trilogy in one post.
The future.

Oracle: a silly command line game in bash. Nothing to do with the company.The program is meant for command line users of linux and etc. Great little party game based on the idea of the black ball oracle to predict the future. Ask it anything!   You need a unix/linux system running the Bash (Bourne Again SHell).. Also included is a qbasic version which could be converted to Freebasic.

If you like this instructable, you may also like:
Bonus: I have added at least two other command line games at the end of this instructable.

Update: Coming out with a web based version soon.


Step 1: The Code.

Take this code and put into a text file with your favorite editor and then save the file as "oracle".

# The oracle
# Functions
# pc = position cursor
function pc () {
tput cup $1 $2

function header () {
pc 2 10 ; echo "The Oracle"

function footer() {
pc 24 0

# end functions
# Assignments
# --------------------------------
m="not done"
d=" "
# end assignments

# Data input
while read line
do fdata[$a]=$line
let a=a+1
done < $datafile

# local variables
let nodf=$a
declare -i X=$nodf
# NUM=$[ ( $RANDOM % $X ) + 1 ]
# Header
# Begin logic
while true; do
let turns=turns+1
pc 4 1
echo " T H E O R A C L E !"
pc 25 2
echo "Computothought:(c) 1980 - 2011"
pc 7 1
echo "Please enter your question "
pc 8 1
echo "["
pc 8 2
read q
pc 10 1
echo "The Oracle will show you it's thoughts, then summon your answer."
pc 12 1
echo "So please be patient!"
pc 15 1
echo "***********************************************************************"
pc 16 1
# may have to add spaces
echo "* *"
pc 17 1
echo "***********************************************************************"
for (( y = 1;y<=100;y+=1));do
pc 16 1
# may have to add spaces
echo "* *"
pc 16 3
NUM=$[ ( $RANDOM % $X ) + 1 ]
echo ${fdata[$NUM]}

pc 18 1
echo "Play again (Y/n)"
read -s -n1 d
case $d in
[nN] ) break ;;

let owed=$pay*$turns
echo "Please pay the cashier $owed dollars!"
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# end of job:
pc 4 1
echo " T H E O R A C L E !"
pc 23 1
echo "Computothought: (c) 1980 - 2011"
pc 6 1
echo "If you use this program more than several times and would like"
echo "to see more programs like the Oracle and the Cartomancer, please"
echo "let the author know!"

# end logic
# footer
# End.

Step 2: The Data.

You will want to take the data an put into a file called odata. You can always change the line for your own comic needs.

Yes, if you are creative.
Hold that thought and let me get back to you.
Anything is possible, but you will have a difficult start.
What a youthful folly to ask!
You must wait and ask again.
Only conflict will come of the result, please pray.
It will take many who are organized to accomplish your request.
Yes, if you keep it together.
Be meek and you will get your answer.
You are lucky to get this far!
You must have the fellowship of men.
In great measure will the possession result.
One must be modest to attain their goal.
You will do good to have enthusiasm for your quest.
Let someone else take the lead to your quest.
Atone for what has been spoiled, then reask your question.
You are too far away to get the answer.
Meditation will lead you to your answer.
Bite through to your goal.
If you handle life with grace!
There is to be a coming apart for fate to be realized.
All must return to what is.
Not knowing the true answer will be better.
You must tame the power of the great.
Watch the corners of the mouth.
The greatest preponderance will be fate.
It will be the abysmals, sorry!
You will be lucky to hold on to what you have.
Influence will be the stepping stone to your quest.
Just be patient for a while.
It is a time for getting away.
The power of the great is upon you.
Yes, there is a progression to be attained.
The crystal ball is losing light and no answer may be attained now.
Everyone close will be part of your answer.
No, there is too much opposition.
Not likely, there are obstructions in the way.
Yes, deliverance will come.
Not as much as you might as supposed.
Yes and more than was planned.
Yes, if there is a breakthrough.
Maybe if you come to meet.
Now is the time to gather together for the answer.
Yes, only if there is a push upward.
No, oppression will stop your quest.
Yes, no, and maybe…….
What the oracle says is opposite to your true answer.
The answer will take longer and you will pay for the wait.
Only through an arousing!
It is not time for a move, you must keep still.
Let fate develop as it will.
You must see the marrying maiden first.
More than you ever imagined.
You may wonder and wander, but it is time to move.
Only if you act gently.
Yes, with great joy!
No, so you must let go of it to spread out.
Only with limitations.
Look within yourself and you can find the answer.
Only with preponderance of the small.
It will come to be after completion.
Only before completion.
I love Elizabeth!
Only God knows…

Step 3: Get It Working.

Both oracle and odata need to be in the same directory. You need to change the permissions on oracle so it is executable.

$ chmod +x oracle

To run the batch file use:
$ ./oracle

Have fun!

Step 4: Bonus:

Here is a basic version of Oracle: (fbc -lang qb oracle.bas)

REM **************************************************************************
REM * program:     oracle pc
REM * note   :     random choosing of answer for a question.
REM * programmer:  Computothought
REM * last update: 03/10/11
REM *------------------------------------------------------------------------
WIDTH 80, 25
DIM x$(64)
rem To.sound = 1
FOR x = 0 TO 63
  READ x$(x)
m$ = "Not done"
pay = 0

WHILE m$ = "Not done"
  pay = pay + 1
  LOCATE 4, 1
  PRINT "                T H E  O R A C L E !"
  LOCATE 5, 1
  PRINT "                Computothought 2009"
  FOR x = 1 TO 1500
  NEXT x
  LOCATE 7, 1
  LINE INPUT "Please enter your question: ", q$
    CASE CHR$(248)
    rem     To.sound = 1
    CASE CHR$(255)
    rem     To.sound = 0
  LOCATE 10, 1
  PRINT "The Oracle will show you it's thoughts, then summon your answer."
  LOCATE 12, 1
  PRINT "So please be patient!"
  LOCATE 15, 1
  PRINT "<" + STRING$(76, "=") + ">"
  LOCATE 16, 1
  PRINT "<"; TAB(78); ">"
  LOCATE 17, 1
  PRINT "<" + STRING$(76, "=") + ">"
  FOR Z = 1 TO 1000
    LOCATE 16, 3
    PRINT STRING$(75, " ");
    LOCATE 16, 3
    PRINT x$(RND(1) * 63);
    rem IF To.sound = 1 THEN
        rem PLAY "l16" + CHR$(INT(RND(1) * 7) + 65)
    rem END IF
  FOR x = 1 TO 5
  NEXT x
  INPUT "Are you done (Y/n)"; d$
  IF UCASE$(d$) <> "N" THEN
    m$ = "Done"

PRINT "Please pay the cashier "; pay * 5; " dollars!"
zz$ = ""
zz$ = INPUT$(1)

' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  LOCATE 25, 1
  PRINT STRING$(79, " ");
  LOCATE 24, 1
  rem EXIT SUB

DATA "Yes, if you are creative."
DATA "Yes, if you are receptive."
DATA "Anything is possible, but you will have a difficult start."
DATA "What a youthful folly to ask!"
DATA "You must wait and ask again."
DATA "Only conflict will come of the result, please pray."
DATA "It will take many who are organized to accomplish your request."
DATA "Yes, if you keep it together."
DATA "Be meek and you will get your answer."
DATA "You are lucky to get this far!"
DATA "You must have the fellowship of men."
DATA "In great measure will the possession result."
DATA "One must be modest to attain their goal."
DATA "You will do good to have enthusiasm for your quest."
DATA "Let someone else take the lead to your quest."
DATA "Atone for what has been spoiled, then reask your question."
DATA "You are too far away to get the answer."
DATA "Meditation will lead you to your answer."
DATA "Bite through to your goal."
DATA "If you handle life with grace!"
DATA "There is to be a coming apart for fate to be realized."
DATA "All must return to what is."
DATA "Not knowing the true answer will be better."
DATA "You must tame the power of the great."
DATA "Watch the corners of the mouth."
DATA "The greatest preponderance will be fate."
DATA "It will be the abysmals, sorry!"
DATA "You will be lucky to hold on to what you have."
DATA "Influence will be the steeping stone to your quest."
DATA "Just be patient for a while."
DATA "It is a time for getting away."
DATA "The power of the great is upon you."
DATA "Yes, there is a progression to be attained."
DATA "The crytal ball is losing light and no answer may be attained now."
DATA "Everyone close will be part of your answer."
DATA "No, there is too much opposition."
DATA "Not likely, there are obstructions in the way."
DATA "Yes, deliverance will come."
DATA "Not as much as you might as supposed."
DATA "Yes and more than was planned."
DATA "Yes, if there is a breakthrough."
DATA "Maybe if you come to meet."
DATA "Now is the time to gather together for the answer."
DATA "Yes, only if there is a push upward."
DATA "No, oppression will stop your quest."
DATA "Yes, no, and maybe......."
DATA "What the oracle says is opposite to your true answer."
DATA "The answer will take longer and you will pay for the wait."
DATA "Only through an arousing!"
DATA "It is not time for a move, you must keep still."
DATA "Let fate develop as it will."
DATA "You must see the marrying maiden first."
DATA "More than you ever imagined."
DATA "You may wonder and wander, but it is time to move."
DATA "Only if you act gently."
DATA "Yes, with great joy!"
DATA "No, so you must let go of it to spread out."
DATA "Only with limitations."
DATA "Look within yourself and you can find the answer."
DATA "Only with preponderance of the small."
DATA "It will come to be after completion."
DATA "Only before completion."
DATA "I love Elizabeth!"
DATA "Only God knows..."

Step 5: Php Version (in Progress).

Just a quick piece of code I wrote to start learning php. Had to do something better than "Hello, World". This program is beginner level, but it worked for me. (You point to oracle.html and it will load oracle.php on submit.)

<center><h1>The Oracle</h1><center>
<form method="post" action="oracle.php">
  Enter your question of the future to the oracle:
  <input type="text" name="message" />
  <input type="submit" />
When you press submit, this page will disappear. Then after cogitating, the Oracle will give you the answer,

<center><h1> The Oracle</h1></center>
Your question was:
<?php echo $_POST["message"]; ?>
Your answer is:

$lines = file('odata');

// Loop through our array
foreach ($lines as $line) {
 echo $lines[rand(1,63)] . "<br />";

you can use the original odata file. Just make sure it is in the same directory (unless you change the code to reflect the real location).

Step 6: Bonus Game 1: Dr. Bash.

Take this code (below) and put into a text file with your favorite editor and then save the file as "eliza".

$ chmod +x eliza

To run the batch file use:
$ ./eliza

while [ "1" = "1" ]
read line
line=`echo $line | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" |
     sed 's/^/ /; s/$/ /; s/\./ /g
     s/ I / i /g; s/ YOU ARE/ you are/g; s/ AM / am /g; s/ ME / me /g
     s/ YOU / you /g
     s/ MY / my /g; s/ YOUR / your /g; s/ MINE / mine /g; s/ ARE / are /g
     s/ me / YOU /g; s/ my / YOUR /g; s/ your / DR. BASHS /g;
     s/ i / YOU /g; s/ am / ARE /g;s/ mine / YOURS /g; s/ are / IS /; s/ you / DR. BASH /
     s/^ //; s/ $//'`
echo "$line"
case "$line" in
   *YOU\ ARE\ *)  echo "`echo $line |
           sed 's/^.*YOU\ ARE/WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE/' `?" ;;
   *YOU\ HAVE\ *) echo "`echo $line |
           sed 's/^.*YOU\ HAVE/HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD/'`?" ;;
   GO*|EAT*|TRY*|HELP*|PUT*) echo "WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO $line?";;
   YES*) echo "HOW CAN YOU BE SURE?";;
   WHY*|WHO*|WHAT*|HOW*) echo "YOU TELL ME `echo $line | sed s/?/./g`";;
   QUIT) exit;;
   *) echo "WHY DO YOU SAY $line?";;

Step 7: Bonus Game 2: Akalabeth Re-Bourne

Akalabeth Re-Bourne is a BASH shell script project aimed at creating a game similar to Richard Garriott's Akalabeth.

You can download it from here.

Instructions are included in the download.

Step 8: Modded Dos Animation.


Thought I might try a possible nix version of a dos animation?[

# case matters

echo " HI, I AM STICK MAN"
echo "."
echo " O"
echo " -[]-"
echo " /\\"

read a


echo " I KNOW Kung-fu! HI YA!"
echo "."
echo " O l l o "
echo " -[]- -[]-"
echo " /\\____________/\___L_____o "

read a


echo " poor man, boo hoo (puts weopon down)"
echo "."
echo " O"
echo " -[]-"
echo " /\\ l_______________L______o"

read a


echo "Lets pick him up"
echo ". "
echo " O"
echo " []-L"
echo " _____________/\\__\_____o_______"

read a


echo " ARG!"
echo " L"
echo " ii"
echo " O"
echo " []"
echo " /\\"

read a


echo " WOOPS!!!!"

echo "."
echo " o"
echo " []__" _
echo " O"
echo " []-"
echo " _______________/\\"

read a


echo " AHHHHHH!"
echo " ______ ________"
echo " I [] I I [] I"
echo " I [] I o I [] I"
echo " I [] I []__ I [] I"

read a


echo " AHHHHHH! (cont.)"
echo " ______ ________"
echo " I[] I I[][] I"
echo " I []I o I []I"
echo " I[] I []__ I [] I"

read a


echo " BOOM (hits wall)"
echo " 1"
echo " 1 O"
echo " 1[]__"
echo " 1"
echo " 1"

read a


echo " OWWWW!!!!!! leaves impression in wall and is covered in debris"
echo "."
echo " 1"
echo " 1"
echo ". "
echo " L[[[[[]o"

read a


echo " stick man to the rescue"

read a


echo " picks man up, brushes him off, and sets him on his feet (he is wearing a cape)"
echo "."
echo " o O _____"
echo " []-[] "
echo " L II"

read a


echo " Stick man says: Let's be friends"
echo " the dude says: sure"
echo " and they were friends, they shook on it"
echo "."
echo " o O "
echo " []\\/[] "
echo " L II"

read a


echo " THE END"

read a


echo " movie made by LEVO GAMES and modded by computothought"

read a


Step 9: Astrology

Ran across this program years ago. Modified it to run in qbasic to work on the system I had at the time. Probably needs a whole lot of updating.  Anyway it will  print out the alleged positions of the planets at the time and date you prescribe.  Use at your risk. Code should be attached. With dosbox and qbasic, it should run on linux. This program will not make any predictions so you will either need some knowledge about astrology or have a good book on astrology to help you out. There are a ton of sites on the net that have volumes of information. Use with discretion.

Yet another program to play with: