Introduction: The PERFECT (Universal) DIY Phone Stand With Only THREE Binder Clips

The purpose of this tutorial is to create a 'Universal' Phone Stand using simple stationary without any tools nor glue. The Phone Stand should be sturdy enough; not just for view but practical enough to use the while it is placed upon. Rather the phone is placed upright or landscape.

Materials used:  TWO large Binder Clips and ONE medium Binder Clip. Masking Tape or Electrical Tape (black) and a small piece of 3M double sided 'Mounting Tape'.

Step 1:  Clip them together ~ tip to tip
Step 2:  Squeeze the metal clips so they can come off like it is shown in the pix.

     ** Step 3:  Use a 3M double sided 'Mounting Tape' to the medium binder clip (See side view pic).
     ** Step 4:  Place the medium binder clip 'mouth tip' facing upward ~ (see sideview pic).                 

Step 5:  Place electrical tape or masking tape to the base to prevent the stand from sliding while using the phone on the stand.

You now have completed your D.I.Y. (Universal) Phone Stand with only TWO Large Binder Clips and ONE medium Binder Clip