Introduction: The Perfect Smore - GOLD EDITION

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In this Instructable I will show you the best way to make a smore at a campfire. This is for the pros, be prepared to take spend more time than the kids around you burning theirs in the fire.

Step 1: The Materials

This is a no brainer.


Fire (more importantly, the coals)
A nice long stick
Graham Crackers

Step 2: The Technique

This is the main reason you're here!

The best way roast the marshmallow is in the smoldering coals, which is actually hotter than the flame at times, but no flame to catch your treat on fire. This will take longer to cook, but is definitely worth it.

You want to watch your main ingredient carefully, slowly rotating it until you reach a nice golden brown color. Take away every now and then so you don't burn it! This insures a perfect smore.

Step 3: Putting It All Together

Ok, this is a no brainer. If you need help, note to the pictures.

Step 4: Enjoy!

Now Enjoy your Premium Golden Smore! Please rate and comment 2nd Instructable.
