Introduction: The RGB (Refino Gaunlet Beta) Glove

Do you want to make the next best gauntlet on the block that can be just as colorful, but arguably more tech savey then the infity gauntlet?? If you answered yes then boy do I have a little project for you!

Step 1: Step 1: Gather Materials and Supplies

Materials needed for this project:

-Customized 3D printed armor for the hand and fingers (that should be the easiest to get right??)

-Solid and stranded wire

-Heatable tube


-Neo pixels

-RGB color sensor

-an Arduino Uno

-a 9v battery with a plug in

Tools needed for the project:


-Wire cutter

-Wire stripper

-Soldering Iron

-Brass Sponge

-Hot glue gun

-Heat Gun

Step 2: Step 2: Load the Code Into the Arduino

Before the code can be uploaded you will have to download a few libraries which include:




If you have no idea what an Arduino Library is then I suggest looking up some videos about it first so you know what you are getting yourself into! These libraries are essential to making sure the code works so don't forget to download them! Once that is complete then you can just copy and paste the code into the arduino and it should work out just fine!

Here is the link to the code (it's in my blog from class, feel free to follow my struggles and process of making this thing!):

Step 3: Step 3: Wire Up the Wrist Armor!

Following the little diagram we have drawn for ourselves we are going to start off by wiring the neopixel ring first.

It is going to be a little difficult but I suggest wiring up each relay (the ground, positive, and data) with the ring as close to its final position as possible, that way you can make sure each wire that branches off does not contain too much slack. The hardest part is just going to be soldering up the junction where each of the wires splits off, but this can be done easily with patience. There is no need to solder the other end of the wire down to the knuckle pixel until the complicated junctions are all soldered and taped up.

Once all the junctions are good to go, then you are going to want to thread them through the holes for the neopixel knuckles to solder onto.

You are also going to want to wire up the color sensor because it is relatively easy circuit off on its own.

This is the majority of the glove! It's really not to difficult to make if you make sure to plan out and respect the space needed for all the wires.

Step 4: Step 4: Create the Fingers

The first thing you will want to do is wire up all your neo pixels like these little squidies with a pretty gearthy amount of slack wire. Run them through the armor parts and secure the wire down with a tad bit of hot glue. At this point, you are going to want to double check that all the pixels actually work with a bread board!

The last thing you have to do is solder them to the knuckle pixels and you are done! I did my wires on the outside to secure the armor parts together.

Make sure to wrap the connection points with hot glue so the agitation from the movement doesn't break the connection and you have got yourself one neat little RGB Glove!

Step 5: Step 5: Attach the Fingers to the Knuckles

In order to attach the fingers, we are going to have to start with the knuckles. Its going to be tricky, but you are going to want to give your pixels a little slack from the the holes. From here, we are going to attach the (blue) data wires that will go off to the finger lights.

The more difficult part will be attaching the positive and ground wires to the knuckle pixel. In order to reduce the stress the connection will take from use of the glove, we are also going to position the connection behind the neo pixel instead of in front of it. The best way to do this is to create a little fish hook, then just hook up the wire! Its really just that simple. The difficult part is soldering the wires together. The easiest way to do this is to have an excess amount of solder on the iron itself. Try and inch it between the pixel and the armor and the solder should merge right onto the connection. The key to this step is to be very careful and patient. I managed to burn two pixels and had to replace them, which is really difficult, so be careful!

I highly recommend threading a small heatable tube on the wire before connecting the wires. It is much easier to cover up the wires with the tube then wrapping a piece of electrical tape, and it looks cleaner too! Follow this process for all the fingers and you have got yourself a cool looking glove! Don't forget to test your lights to make sure they work before moving on to the next one!

Step 6: Step 6: Attach the Thumb

When I designed this, I was debating on having a light on the thumb because I managed to forget to add a light on the thumb knuckle. However I decided the heck with it and thought, the more lights the better!

The thumb will be made just like the fingers. Create the squid light, thread it through the finger holes, then thread the armor parts through as well.

Because we didn't plan to have a a thumb light, we have to find a place to connect the wires. For the data wire, we are going to make it blue to match the fingers, but branch it off the knuckles data line, which is yellow. The power and ground will be a little easier since it is already closer so in this case we are going to borrow from our friend, the neopixel. He is a kind neighbor so i'm sure he wont mind ^^

I highly recommend trying on the glove and bending the thumb as far away as possible to get an idea of how long you want the wire to be. This will create a lot of slack wire for range of movement, but not too much so it looks a little unnecessary, like all my wires going to my arduino!

Minus the blue data wire, you are going to have to use electrical tape to cover up the connection, because we are branching a new wire off, not finishing a liner connection.

Test that last thumb light and you should have a fully functioning RGB Glove!!

Step 7: Step 7: Sow Off Your Power of the RGB Glove!!!

I'll be completely honest, the glove is hard to put on. I'm still figuring out a good way to somehow slide an actual glove into it to make the hole process a lot easier.

Having a little wrap for your arm is a good place to house the battery and the arduino, until I design a wrist part of the gauntlet!!

It's a bit janky, but dammit it still looks really cool! Not bad for a first timer! Hope y'all enjoyed the tutorial!