Introduction: The Super Stay Cool Collar ***UPDATE***

About: Called a renaissance man more times than I can count, I am the type of person who believes you can do anything you put your mind to. As a veteran I've seen some awful acts committed, and I guess my wanting to …
Years ago back when I was in Basic Training in the Army, I never used to heed the instructions given by the drill instructors, they used to say "Hydrate, You drop out on a march and there will be an IV in your future"! Back on those hot days at Ft. Knox running up Agony, I can still remember thinking if only there was a way to stay cool on a long grueling double time runs. These days during camping excursions, out hiking a trail, or just cutting the grass in mid July I get that all to familiar memory of those days on Agony hill, and one thing that stands out in my thoughts is everyone running to the sinks and wetting down a rag to slip under there collars after a hard march or drill. We learned most of the heat from the body centers around neckline and the head, that's why we feel cooler when we soak our heads and necklines in water. All of a sudden it hit me, Inspiration!

"The Super Stay Cool Collar"

My wife who is a few years older than me has been going through some issues where she gets hot all of a sudden (even if the AC is running full blast) I talked her into trying this and she loves it for those occasions, so she told me I should update my instructable to include this side effect so that women out there having the same issue might get some relief. As a husband I'm happy it helps cause I don't have to sit here dressed like an Eskimo in the middle of the summertime just to be supportive.

Pics:Trying to get my 13 year old daughter to model the necklace in a picture for my instructable, yeah it's like pulling teeth, mine!

Step 1: Materials and Tools

What you'll need:
Plastic Tubing (size is your preference, someone I know works at a place where they throw tons of this unused stuff away)
Water (just a couple of cups from the tap will do)
Spirits (Not the kind that goes Boo, Vodka, tequila, or just booze of some kind, the higher the proof the better)
Old burnt up hard drive (?)
Wax paper

Tools to use:
Dremel and cutting disc's
Various screwdrivers (hex, security star bits)
Heat gun
Wood Block

Oh yeah, you also need a freezer, or a Coleman cooler full of ice!

Step 2: The Cut Up

Once you've selected your tubing, for demonstrating purpose I'm using a smaller tube than I would normally select (also I had this on hand), Cut a length from it that drapes comfortably around your neckline (Tip: Make it loose fitting, the effect will be enough to keep you cool with out having it choke you).

While this is a 3/8 diameter tube it can stay cold for about and hour, If your going to be camping, hiking, mowing the lawn it's probably a good idea to make a few of these so you can keep switching them out and re-freezing them as they stop working. A larger diameter should reasonably stay colder a little while longer.

Step 3: Time to Wax (Poetically? No Just Paper) and Turn Up the Heat

Next take your tubing find a hard surface (like your workbench) lay wax paper waxy side up, Start heating up the tube about 1" up the tube with your heat gun. The tube should begin to get shiny and start falling over, this means the plastics ready. Lay the almost melted tubing down on the wax paper and take a wood block and press to create a seal.

Step 4: The Mad Scientist in Me

Time to mix the "Secret No Freeze Formula"! Get your couple cups of water and your high proof alcohol spirits, 2 cups of H2O mix with 1/3 cup of tequila (only thing I had on hand), and if your under 21 get some help from a parent or someone of age, I don't want those comments on not considering our younger crowds.

Once you have thoroughly mixed your concoction, simply fill up the tube to the point where you'll leave the same amount of empty tube as your sealed end. Hold it up and look for leaks in the sealed end, None? Great? 

Public Service Message:
Don't drink and build this instructable, this could lead to nasty burns. Not to mention poor workmanship! 

Step 5: Seal It, Forever!

Your almost in the home stretch, take the unsealed end and fold it over the wax paper that's hanging over the edge of your workbench, repeat the same process in step 3 to seal the tube shut completely.

Step 6: Hard Drive? What For?

To secure the collar and for safety reason's I'm opting to use neodymium magnets or rare-earth magnets. These are super strong magnets that are relatively in expensive to buy usually you can pick up several for a few bucks at most hobby or craft stores. However being the type that likes to re-purpose everything and being in the IT field I always have several burnt up hard drives laying around, and you can find a couple of magnets in each of them.

Tearing apart a hard drive is a very simple process remove every screw you can find pull of the outer cover locate the magnets, found behind the actuator arm. Remove the screws from the retaining bracket and the center screw from the actuator arm the magnets should lift straight out, Remove the magnet from the bracket and viola neodymium magnets.

Save the shiny platters for a future project I'll be posting soon.

Step 7: Slip and Seal

The final step in building the collar is to slip your newly acquired magnets into each end of the unsealed portion of the tubing. Take a heat gun and melt the plastic around the magnets seal them in, and your done. Tips: If your tubing is smaller than the magnets use a Dremel and cutting disc to shape the magnet to fit, or you can heat up the the tube and stretch it to fit careful not to split the tube.

Why magnets? Why not just seal the two ends together? Safety, of course, in case it get snagged on something it'll simply break loose stop the chance of being choked.

Step 8: FREEZE FRAME, Now Freeze!

The fun part begins, drop your new Super Stay Cool Collar in the freezer or cooler full of ice, then hurry up and wait! After a couple of hours it will gel up leaving it flexible enough to drape over your neck and keep you cool on the hottest of days.