Introduction: The Three Part Pixel Monster
The Three Part Pixel Monster is a team based pixel art project for up to three students. It is ideal for remote learning and only requires a set of computers, an internet connection and access to a google account.
Each student will choose a part of the monster they want to create and use google sheets to make it with pixels. At the start of the project each student will create a google sheet and follow instructions to prepare work spaces for their monsters.
They will then create a coding system in google sheets to form their pixel art. When each student has completed his/her monster section, they will share them with each other and combine the works to construct the completed monsters.
- Develop skills with online platforms such as google and google sheets
- Start students thinking about code and how it can be used to create art
- Develop student's skills with pixel based art
- Have students explore new media as a process for creating art and consider how technology can be used as a tool for creativity.
Essential Questions
- How can you use the technique of pixel art to create artwork in the future?
- How does this project relate to other coding projects?
- Could this project apply to working in a physical medium such as textiles and other pattern based art?
- What did you learn about communication over the web on this project?
- What did you learn about planning and teamwork?
A computer, internet access and a google account with google sheets.
Step 1: Creating Your Workspace
Start out by creating pixels with your google sheet by first selecting the square of the axis and moving the divider between the "a" and "b" columns slightly to the left. This will create squares to work on. After you have done this create the three sections of your monster by creating a row of "1"s along the 15th row and the 32nd. Add another set of 1s wherever your team wants your monster's neck and waist to begin. (I chose the "m" and "p" columns for the neck and the "k" and "s" columns for the waist.
Step 2: Creating Code Rules
Click "format" and choose "Conditional format rules." This will create a tab where you can add code rules for your squares. Choose "add a rule" and "apply a range" containing all the pixels by clicking the axis square. In format rules choose "text contains" and input a number from 2 to 4 or however many colors your team wants to work with. Click the paint bucket icon, choose a color for your code rule and hit done. From here on the number you chose will create that color. So let's start those monsters!
Step 3: Color in Your Monster Section
Choose either the head, torso, or legs and your fellow classmates will cover the others. Now, Input values for each square you want to color with your coding rules. Remember to use only numbers 1-4 or the amount of numbers your team decided on. Also make sure your work lines up with the columns your team chose for the neck and waist.
Step 4: Construct Your Monster
Now its time to bring it all together! Have your classmates send you the google sheets they have been working on. Select their code by clicking and dragging your cursor over the squares they used and select "copy" under edit (or just command "c" on your keyboard.) Go to your google sheet and select the first square in their section and click paste under edit (or command "v"). Insert the rest of the sections and see what your code did to the your fellow student's work!
Step 5: The Many Forms of the Three Part Pixel Monster
Save your work and send your sheet back to your classmates so they can see the finished products together.
Step 6: Step 6: Share Your Work
Download copies of the monsters by clicking edit, selecting download pdf and hitting "export". Send the files to your teacher and show your creations to the class!