Introduction: The ULTIMATE Cardboard Model Mark IV Tank With Army Men Figurines

About: Hey! I have always loved building from when my aunt made the mistake of buying me a model car (Grins) my dream is to buy a motorcycle one day. PEACE.

This is the CLASSIC cardboard model to make & I wanted to do it its justice correctly!!!. The Mark IV is the PERFECT vehicle to turn into a cardboard model because of its shape and design, it also lends itself to "freehand" detailing in the form of rivets, layers, & gun ports.

On to the build....



  • Cardboard
  • Craft glue
  • Hot glue (Not necessary but VERY convenient and fast hardening)


  • Scissors
  • Precision knife
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • sharp thin round object (for poking holes for detailing)

That's it.

Step 1: The Side Chassis's

I freehand sketched out the side profile but you can use a blueprint if you want. This is rather confusing as it all looks similar so you can just put a small pencil mark to recognize the top & bottom.

Cut out 4(four) IDENTICAL shapes of the side profile and on the inside add some spacing and sandwich it together to make two modulus.

Step 2: Detailing Chassis's

I call this freehand detailing as it is very open ended on what you can do with it. Open a reference image and go at it.

NOTE: ⚠️(The tracks are NOT TO BE DONE YET. wait until step)

Step 3: The Body

Take a strip of cardboard and score it.

Bend it to roughly this outline, & glue it to one side.

Then sandwich the other side to it as well.

You will have a very simple but unmistakably (mark IV) shape at this point...

Step 4:

For the gun shapes cut out the top and bottom shapes

And wrap it horizontally with a scored cardboard strip.

Roll a strip of cardboard and glue a slightly inset pole as a gun into it.

Cut a slot into the gun block and insert the gun roll assembly into it.

Adhere the module to the side of the tank. do this for BOTH sides.

Step 5: Body Parts

Ad on the front cabin, and the little box at the top of the tank.

Step 6: Further, Essential Detailing

I addded a large stowage to the rear "step" and for the sides ad holes for rivets, strips of cardboard, and rolls of cardboard. HAVE FUN WITH IT just be sure to somewhat reference the real images.

Add a "roller bar" thing on both sides with a thin strip of cardboard.

I also added TWO more gun's to the sides.


I placed a smooth flat long strip of cardboard corrugations down onto the chassis.

Cut out a pile of small rectangles of the same width, & glue them in a clockwise direction along the entire track.

It is time consuming but cardboard tank models using corrugations as track texture is not the best this is more accurate and detailed.

Step 8: Figurines...


  • Draw out a quick sketch of the height (make to scale of the tank)
  • Making paper rolls from brown paper create a simple stick figure
  • Build the desired body shape using hot glue let it dry and go layer-by-layer
  • wrap in brown paper

for the head

  • Crumple paper into a small ball
  • create a doughnut with paper and place it on the head

For the gun

  • Double glue a layer of paper
  • Cut out a side profile of the desired gun design

Lastly, Cut out an oval and glue the figurine SECURELY to it for a solid base.

Step 9: Completion

We have finished the model!!! it is rather a beauty. this tank is so open ended and especially for someone wanting to try there hand at a detailed model without much commitment!

If you try it PLEASE POST I MADE IT!!!!!!

Thank you So much. I will be using this for decor and selling it.

Have a pleasent day and happy card-boarding:) :) :)