Introduction: The Whale Dispenser

In the instructable I will show you how to make a Whale Dispenser out of a tape dispenser. One day I was holding a tape dispenser (I really don't know why) and noticed it looked like a whale, then I thought I would add some stuff so it would. Soooo, I will show you how to make one to give to your Geeky office buddies, or just to make for yourself.  Note: This is my idea

You'll need:

-A tape dispenser
-A hot glue gun
-A ruler
-A few minutes

Step 1: Mouth and Eyes

First, cut out a mouth, the measurements should be about 6 in. x 1/8 in.. Then cut out two egg shaped eyes theses should be a little less then a half of an inch wide.

Step 2: Drawing and Gluing

Now draw some teeth onto the mouth, I  made them about an 1/8 in. apart. Next draw on your eyes as seen in the picture.

Step 3: The Spout

To make the spout take the tape out of the dispenser and trace the plastic piece and cut it out. Then draw a cloud on it, it might be easier to look at the pictures. Then cut out the cloud and glue it onto the plastic thing

Step 4: The Finished Product

Here are some pictures of what it looks like when its finished. Enjoy!

Ask if you have any questions