Introduction: The Duct Tape Bottle Cap Braclet

About: I love Duct tape, The georgia bulldogs, and girls
look at the braclet!!!!!!!!!

Step 1: Materials

all you need is crazy glue and duct tape

Step 2: What to Do

first you need to lay out a strip about as long as your wrist maybe longer.

Step 3: Almost Getting There

when you pick up that strip you want to fold it in half hot dog style so that there is not sticky showing.

Step 4: Bottle Cap Time

when you have the base of the bracelet finished you can start gluing them onto the bracelet. i just did a circle of glue on the duct tape for each bottle cap.

Step 5: Almost Finished

all you need yo do is put a little strip at the end so it will atatch around your wrist. put it on your wrist and firmly press that peace of tape onto the other side.

Step 6: Finished

now that you have the braclet all finished you can put it on your wrist and go to school in style. don't forget to vote for me in the converse contest.