Introduction: The Spectre M4 Ruber Band Gun V. 1.3 Is Here!

About: I've been building and engineering since as far back as I can remember. My first building toys were those wooden blocks, and at age 4, I upgraded to cereal box samples of K'nex. I also participate in sports, m…
the next line in my ruberband guns the spectre m4 which is a sub machine gun i

V. 1.2= there are mods to make it hold more rubber bands, I don't have pictures, but I did try to make it as clear as possible to what you do.

V. 1.3= there is a mod for full auto, it is not that useful though, considering they all shoot at once. someone will find it useful though.

Step 1: Parts List

These will be the parts that you will need to complete the basic version of this gun.


dark gray-6
light gray-4
blue 3d-10

to build version 1.2 you need another white connector and 8 white rods
to build version 1.3 you need two less green rods

Step 2: The Triger Area

follow the pictures

This is were the mods take place so pay attention to the boxes

1-2 two veiws of the same peice

7-8 two veiws of the same part

15 is puting the blue rod through the triger and body

16 do this to both

17 put this through the green conectors

20 should look like this

21 add this

22 to the other side

Step 3: The Handle

follow the pictures

2 there are 4 blue spacers

Step 4: The Guard and Mag (for Looks)

follow the pictures

1-2 same part diferent veiws

3-5 same part diferent veiws

9 put it together

Step 5: The Barrel

follow the pictures

all pictures are the same part

Step 6: Front Handle

follow the pics

all same part

Step 7: Ruber Band Placement and Shooting

1 conive the rubber band on some how

1-3 how to place it

4 pull the gear back

5 put a nother one on

have fun

V. 1.1 was a folding stock that well, was quite bad.

if you make V. 1.2, you increase your ammo hold by 5 bands.

Once again i do not recommend V. 1.3 because of the fact that it makes the gun single shot.

Next up the Dur-24 wrist rbg shotgun.