Introduction: The Two Greatest Pranks Ever

These are great pranks that will for sure make you laugh but not the victim.

Step 1: The Sink Prank

First, you will need duct tape matching your sink's color, a sink with a sprayer, and glad wrap.
           Okay, so make sure everyone in your house is asleep. Next, go to the sprayer and put a small amount of glad wrap on the nozzle of your sprayer. Then, duct-tape the sprayer notch to ON.

THE EFFECTS: A decent alarm-clock and a pissed off sister with plastic on her neck and a completely wet shirt.

Step 2: The Quarter Trick

You will need:
- A quarter
-A busy sidewalk
-A toaster(optional)
-A paper clip(optional)
-Epoxy or some kind of crazy strong glue

             First, go to your sidewalk with your glue and quarter. Simply lay down a thick layer of the glue and put your quarter on it. Now for the toaster and paper clip. (This is totally optional) Put the toaster on high. As soon as the bars at the top of the toaster turn orange, rub the paper clip on it so that that is red too. Then poke a hole in the quarter to make it look like a gag quarter.